The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 22, 2024 - Embracing the Value of Time, Teamwork, and Leadership

July 22, 2024 -Embracing the Value of Time, Teamwork, and Leadership

July 22, 202414 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

Time is a universal constant that connects us all. It is the one resource we can never reclaim once spent. Each moment is an opportunity to invest in ourselves, our relationships, and our communities. This article explores the significance of time, teamwork, and leadership in our lives. It emphasizes the importance of progress over perfection and how we can work together to create a better future.

The Value of Time

Time is more than just a measure of hours and minutes; it's the fabric of our lives. Understanding how we invest our time can profoundly impact our personal and professional growth.

  • Time is finite

  • Every moment counts

  • Time unites us

  • Investing time wisely

  • Creating lasting memories

As we navigate through life, we must recognize that time is limited. The choices we make today shape our tomorrow. Therefore, how we utilize our time ultimately defines our journey.

Building a Team Spirit

One of the greatest challenges we face is seeing each other as teammates rather than competitors. Embracing a team spirit can lead to greater accomplishments and a more fulfilling life.

When we view everyone as part of our team, it fosters a sense of community and shared purpose. Each person's effort contributes to the collective success.

Why Teamwork Matters

Teamwork is essential in both personal and professional realms. It allows us to:

  • Combine strengths

  • Support each other

  • Achieve common goals

  • Enhance motivation

  • Overcome challenges together

Collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and a stronger bond among team members. In America, with a population of over 325 million, the potential for collective action is immense.

Leadership and Vision

Effective leadership is crucial for guiding a team toward its goals. A leader’s role is to inspire and provide direction, ensuring that everyone understands the vision.

Key Leadership Qualities

Some essential qualities of a good leader include:

  • Clear communication

  • Empathy

  • Visionary thinking

  • Accountability

  • Encouraging collaboration

Leaders should regularly communicate strategies and updates to keep the team motivated and aligned. This fosters a shared understanding of where the team is headed and why it matters.

Progress Over Perfection

Life is not about achieving perfection. Instead, it is about making progress. Each step we take, no matter how small, brings us closer to our goals.

Progress involves:

  • Learning from failures

  • Celebrating small wins

  • Setting realistic goals

  • Being adaptable

  • Staying focused on the long-term vision

Embracing progress allows us to appreciate the journey and the lessons learned along the way. Each experience, whether good or bad, contributes to our growth.

Family as a Support System

Family plays a vital role in our lives, serving as our first team. They provide support, guidance, and love, helping us navigate challenges.

Leading Your Family

As we grow, we often take on leadership roles within our families. This responsibility includes:

  • Setting a positive example

  • Creating a nurturing environment

  • Encouraging open communication

  • Fostering resilience

  • Building strong relationships

By leading our families effectively, we can create a strong foundation that extends beyond our immediate circle. This foundation can influence future generations.

Facing Challenges Together

Life is filled with challenges that can leave us feeling isolated. However, it’s crucial to remember that we are not alone in our struggles.

Sharing our experiences, both good and bad, can help us connect with others and build a supportive community. It’s essential to reach out and offer help when needed.

The Importance of Vulnerability

Being open about our struggles can be difficult, but it fosters deeper connections. Vulnerability allows others to see our authentic selves, leading to:

  • Stronger relationships

  • Increased empathy

  • Shared experiences

  • Supportive networks

  • Collective healing

When we embrace vulnerability, we create a space for others to do the same. This shared understanding can lead to powerful transformations.

Commitment to Growth

As we journey through life, we must remain committed to our personal and professional growth. This involves setting goals and taking actionable steps to achieve them.

Strategies for Continuous Improvement

To foster growth, consider the following strategies:

  • Set SMART goals

  • Reflect on experiences

  • Seek feedback

  • Invest in learning

  • Network with like-minded individuals

By implementing these strategies, we can create a roadmap for our future and inspire others to join us on this journey.

Creating Change in Society

Our journey is not just about personal growth; it’s also about making a difference in our communities. Together, we can create meaningful change.

Here are ways to contribute to positive change:

  • Volunteer in local organizations

  • Advocate for important causes

  • Support local businesses

  • Engage in community discussions

  • Mentor others

By engaging with our communities, we can help address societal issues and foster a culture of support and collaboration.


Time is a precious gift that we must learn to use wisely. Embracing teamwork, leadership, and progress over perfection can lead us to a more fulfilling life. Together, we can support one another in overcoming challenges and creating a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.

Remember, we are all part of the same team. Let’s work together to invest our time in ways that matter, support each other, and strive for growth. The journey may be challenging, but with a united effort, we can achieve great things.

Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo.

Time is what ties us together. That's what this show is about. That's what life is about.

How are you investing your time? Together we can be the difference we need in our society. Together we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together, and that's what this show is about.

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

There's our flag, guys. We've got this. Together we can accomplish anything because there's 35, 325 million of us.

We just all need to get on the same freaking team, which we already are. If we could just see it that way. I think that's one of our biggest problems as a team here in America.

Team america, man. It is that we don't see each other as teams, teammates. Everyone I see is on my team, and anything I can do to help them is going to help my team.

And that's just how I live my life. And it's so rewarding being a part of a bigger team than yourself. And that's the whole goal.

What are you working towards as a team? I know what I'm working towards as a team. And how big is your team? And that's like. I think business owners should be leading their teams regularly, like weekly, if not more, if not daily.

You should be up updating your team as to the strategy and to the results and to where you're going, because that's motivating, I promise you. People want to be a part of something bigger than they are. People want to work.

They want to struggle with you to accomplish something, but you got to give them something to accomplish. You've got to lead them, show them how their effort today is creating their future tomorrow. I think that's one of the most important parts of leadership, is getting people to see that today is not perfect and it never will be.

Today is the first day of a three year goal. It's the first day of a ten year goal. It's the first day of a hundred year goal.

Every day is today when it comes. And so that's what I think a leader's job is, to show people where you're going and why you're going there. That's why I create this blog on a daily basis.

Whether where I'm going is right or not, that's where I'm going. Someday. I hope people follow me there.

But until they do, that's all right, because I still have to get up and work every day. I have to work towards what I believe in, what I think and how I think. It's not about being the CEO of any company.

It's about being the CEO of your life. Eventually, I will pass on. That is the beauty of life is it is limited here on earth.

Eternal life is not eternal life is up in heaven, is unlimited. But on earth, we have a very finite time to do God's work, to put yourself out there in a way that will impact other people's lives and help people see who they are and who they can become. I feel very fortunate to live the life I live, struggles and all.

I know a lot of people who have it way worse, way worse. And so it's not about perfection. It's about progress.

It's about progress towards the goal. It's about progress towards your vision. It's about progress towards the life you want to create for yourself and for your spouse and for your kids, and then for your family, your extended family, and then for your grandkids and great grandkids and cousins and niece in laws and nephews in laws.

All of us. Where are we trying to go as a family? Who's leading the family unit and where are you leading us to? When I lived with my parents, my dad led our family, and he was the leader, and we followed where he led. Now that I've grown and my siblings have all grown, we each are our own family, and we're each leading or being led in certain directions, but we're still the extended family.

How do we look beyond our immediate family and look at the extended family as part of our team throughout time, how do we change the dynamic around how we work together, how we position stuff, situate stuff in order to get the results that we want for our families over time. And it comes through one thing and one thing only, getting on the same page, working in a direction together. Doesn't matter what direction that is.

As long as you work together, you can accomplish anything. My nephew Jimmy follows my journey, and he is such an amazing guy. I love him.

Jimmy, if you're watching this, I love you. He messaged me last night and spoke into my life, and I really needed it. I really needed to know someone was out there.

And he called me out, said, I am full of self doubt, which I am. I doubt myself so much because for whatever reason, my excuse is because I've been lost. So many relationships and friendships on this journey.

Why wouldn't I doubt myself? What if I am wrong? Then I'm wrong. Who cares? It is what it is. So, Jimmy, I really appreciate, appreciate the messages last night.

It meant the world to me. So thank you. First ending, though, and I am.

I'm putting myself out there more and more, and I will get more and more vocal because that's what I believe we need anyways. That's what's been on my mind so far today. I'm on my way to service at secure Pacific.

We've got a busy day of prospecting and lead gen ahead of us. And Matt getting ready for his last week is this weekend. And so I'm being onboarded while he's being off boarded, which, and he's the one onboarding me and doesn't really have someone that he's directly transferring everything to.

So there's like five different people that are picking up different roles he's filled, which is very challenging. And so that's one of the reasons onboarding has been a little finicky. But that's okay.

It's all part of the journey. So I'm out looking for people who would like on premise security assessment, which is where we come out and have a discussion around your security needs, what you've been doing. Then we map out a plan of, hey, if you really want to take your security to the next level, this is some of the things you need to be looking at.

This is the way we would set it up. And through that security assessment, we were also able to build a quote and so we can deliver. This is the quote and this is our price, or this is the security assessment and this is our price.

If you'd like us to take care of it. If not, now you have a quote and proposal that you can go take to someone else and say, hey, this is what we're looking for. Now, I believe we're the best company to solve those problems for people, but it's always their choice who they have provided the actual solution.

Our goal is to be at the table, so that's what we're working towards and how we're working towards it. So I'm going to be working on that all day. I hope you have a fantastic day.

If there's anything I can do to serve you at a higher level to help you, please reach out. We are all in this together, are on my team. Simply by breathing, simply by being alive.

We share the same time and to me, that makes us teammates. Alright, guys, have a great day. We I just dropped Matt off.

It's been a great day so far. We've been out prospecting. We had a on premise security assessment that we did, which means it was really, really easy.

We just went in, talked to them about security, figured out what they're looking at, what they're working on, and now we have. We can go put together a plan for how we would secure this system and the business, and then I'll come back and present it here in the next couple days or whatever. So it was super cool.

I'm loving it. If anybody else is in Boise and would like to practice with me and let me do a security assessment on you, reach out, let me know. I appreciate it because I am just getting started, just learning.

Yeah. So I am now going to go head off and I'm going to work on more prospecting solo. Matt has a bunch of Zoom calls he's got to jump on.

So I am going to go do some door knocking, see who I can meet, see what we can make happen. Anyways, wanted to give you all a quick update and we'll talk to you soon. Good evening, everybody.

It is July 20. Let's see. 22nd 2024.

It is a Monday early evening. I am headed home from work in the doctor and things are going well. Had a great day at work with Matt.

We got to do a security on premise security assessment today, which was a ton of fun. I've got another one booked for sometime in the next two weeks. We need to finalize the time on it, but that's moving forward and, yeah, it's.

Things seem to be working out really well there. I'm really enjoying my work, what I'm doing. I got Matt today while we were out driving.

We did a podcast together, which was super fun. So that was cool. And now we are out looking to see what comes next.

Excuse me. I'm going to my parents. I got a load of stuff in my car.

Gonna drop off my car and borrow my dad's truck and continue working on loading up my house, getting all the stuff out there so that we can I get out from under the payment, which is the goal. My goal is to be out by this Friday. So I'll need to find some boxes and get everything packed up, which I think.

I think it'll all be good. So I'm doing that. And yeah, that is my evening update for y'all.

I hope you had a fantastic day. And if I can ever support you in some way, we're all in this together. I'm here for you.

Just let me know how. Let me know what you're thinking. Talk to y'all soon.

Well, it's July 22, 2024. I am packing up my house and moving in with my parents. They are going to help me.

They are going to let me stay with them rent free while I get myself back on my feet. And we will see what happens with Emily and I. Life is a challenge.

It really, truly is a challenge. But that's the way life goes. Anyways, I just wanted.

I like to document these things, not for today, but for the next 20 years, so I can look back and remember the hard times. The really hard times when I felt completely alone and abandoned. Anyways, hope you all have a great day.

If I can ever do anything to serve you or help you, we're all in this together. We'll talk to you all soon. Thank you for tuning in to life with Justin Smith.

If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe we need in society, I invite you to like and comment on this. Share it with those that you think would benefit, and together we can take care of each other in a new and better way.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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