My Board of Directors

I run my life like a company, and as an good company you need a board of directors. As my life changes, so do the people that I allow to direct me the most. Below are the people that I have empowered to provide me with direct and critical feedback, whether I like the feedback or not.

My Family

Emily and I got married in 2010, and have 3 amazing children together. We are focused on creating the life we want to live today and in the future as a team.

Joan Stephens

Joan Stephens is my mother and has been there for me every step of the way. She runs her own accounting firm and is the person I trust the most with all things financial.

Jim Stephens

Jim Stephens is my father and has been my mentor and trainer throughout my life. He runs Sandler Training here in Idaho, and has taught me most of what I know about sales and leadership by being the example that I needed in life.

Robert Byars

Robert Byars and I have been friends for 10+ years, and he has been the one person who has believed in me and this idea since the beginning even when he didn't fully understand it. I owe a lot of my belief in myself to his belief in my ability to figure it out.

Jim Payne

Jim Payne has been a client of Sandler since the early 2000's, and is currently the CEO of Secure Pacific. He is my immediate mentor and director, and has the most control over my actions and what I do in the future besides myself.

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