The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 28, 2024 - Your Journey to Change: Embracing Life's Lessons - Personal Growth and Community Empowerment

July 28, 2024 - Your Journey to Change: Embracing Life's Lessons - Personal Growth and Community Empowerment

July 28, 202411 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

Life is a journey filled with experiences that shape who we are. Each day brings new opportunities, challenges, and the chance to support one another. This blog is dedicated to documenting a personal journey of growth, leadership, and community engagement. By sharing lessons learned, both successes and failures, we can inspire others to join in on this mission of creating positive change.

The Importance of Community Support

Community support plays a critical role in personal and collective growth. When individuals come together, they create a network that fosters encouragement and motivation. Here are some key insights on the significance of community:

  • Strengthens relationships

  • Encourages collaboration

  • Provides emotional support

  • Facilitates knowledge sharing

  • Inspires accountability

By actively participating in a community, we can become catalysts for change. This journey is not just about personal achievements but about uplifting others along the way. When we support one another, we create a ripple effect that can lead to significant societal transformation.

Personal Milestones: Celebrating Family and Achievements

Recently, I enjoyed a wonderful weekend with my family. We spent quality time together, swimming and engaging in heartfelt conversations. It’s these moments that remind us of what truly matters in life. Celebrating small victories, such as receiving compliments from loved ones, can boost our spirits and motivate us to continue striving for greatness.

In another exciting development, I recently made an offer on a house with my parents. After some negotiations, our offer was accepted, and I will be renting from them. This arrangement not only provides stability but also strengthens family bonds. Knowing my parents are my landlords brings comfort and ease, allowing me to focus on other important aspects of my life.

Professional Growth: Embracing New Opportunities

As I navigate my professional journey at Secure Pacific, I am eager to learn and grow within the organization. This week, I will be working closely with the team in Seattle to understand the sales processes and systems in place. Engaging in ride-alongs will offer invaluable insights into effective strategies and best practices.

My goal is to build a strong team and become the best employee I can be. Leadership is not confined to titles or roles; it is about how others perceive you. I aspire to demonstrate leadership qualities through my actions and interactions. By embodying these traits, I hope to inspire others to see me as a leader, regardless of my official position.

Creating Effective Lead Magnets

In my efforts to enhance my business outreach, I am working on developing lead magnets. One such tool is an emergency contacts download, designed for business owners to keep crucial contact information organized. This resource aims to prepare for unexpected situations, ensuring that essential contacts are readily available when needed.

By creating this lead magnet, I also plan to highlight individuals who have supported my journey. This will serve as both a referral page and an introduction to those who have played a significant role in my business development. Not only does this provide value to others, but it also fosters a sense of community among those involved.

Empowering Feedback: My Board of Directors

Another exciting addition to my blog is the introduction of my board of directors. This group consists of influential individuals in my life who provide valuable feedback and guidance. It’s essential to surround yourself with people who understand your journey and can offer constructive insights.

My board includes family, friends, and colleagues who are invested in my personal growth. This diverse group empowers me to reflect on my life beyond my professional responsibilities. By valuing their opinions, I can navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and purpose.

Owning Your Journey: The Power of Choice

Ultimately, the most important aspect of our journeys is understanding that we hold the power to shape our own paths. Each decision we make influences our outcomes. It is crucial to take ownership of our choices and actions. Here are some reminders to consider:

  • Embrace responsibility for your actions

  • Focus on personal growth

  • Engage with your community

  • Seek feedback from trusted sources

  • Celebrate your achievements

By recognizing that we are the architects of our destinies, we empower ourselves to take charge of our lives. This mindset encourages us to strive for excellence and inspires others to do the same. Remember, the journey is ongoing, and every step counts.

Conclusion: Join the Journey

This blog serves as a testament to the power of sharing experiences and lessons learned. As I continue to document my journey, I invite you to join me. Together, we can create a community focused on growth, support, and positive change. Subscribe to my content and follow along as we explore the possibilities that lie ahead.

Thank you for being a part of this journey through time. Your support means the world to me, and I look forward to connecting with you as we navigate this adventure together. Let’s inspire one another and make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.


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Daily Journal Transcript:

L is for the way you look at me o is for the only one I see v is very, very extraordinary e is even more than anyone who I adore and love is just a game for two I don't actually know the song, but I know that part. Life is a journey and we are all in it together. On this journey, our goal is to support and protect as many people as we can.

If you believe we can be the change that we need in society, I invite you to follow the life with Justin Stephens. Joe, as we live life to do that change. Good afternoon, everybody.

I hope you are doing fantastic. It is 07:00 on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, July 28, 2024. It was an amazing weekend, hanging out with my family and just swimming and having a good time, and that's what life's all about.

Had a great conversation with my brother, who just gave me a lot of really nice compliments, and he does not dish compliments out, hardly ever. So that felt really nice. I felt very loved.

Yeah, no, things are going great. Friday, my parents and I went and looked at a home to potentially buy and made an offer. And there were some counteroffers back and forth over the weekend, and today they accepted the final offer.

So we got a about 30 days and then close on the house. And I will be the renter of that new house, which will be a huge blessing to have my parents as landlords because it will. It should make things a lot easier.

Moving forward is my hope. Yeah. So we will see with all of that, as life continues marching on, which means the house we are currently renting is up for rent again.

If anybody is looking for a home in Tuscany, I can introduce you to the landlord, reach out, let me know, and we can go from there. This weekend was just a ton of fun. And this week, I'm really excited for this week.

I'm going to be going to Seattle and working with the secure Pacific team in order to learn the sales system, the processes, everything they're doing. So I'll be doing a lot of ride alongs, and then next week it is feet on the streets, hit the ground running, building the best team in the world. And that is my strategy moving forward.

That is everything we are going to be focused on and doing is building secure Pacific and being the best employee they've ever had. That's my goal. And being a leader, being a leader is not a role in a company.

It's not a title. It's just something that the other people choose to look at you as a leader, and that's my hope. My hope is that I can show up as a leader and people will see me and the way I show up and the way I engage and put myself out there as a leader within the organization, even though my role is nothing more than a sales guy.

And to me, that is the best of both worlds, the best option possible. So it's, it's great. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm going to be working on my lead magnets. Currently, the emergency contacts download, which all it is, is a place where a business manager, business owner can fill out the necessary contacts should anything happen. These are the people to talk to, to, and this is their contact information.

And it is designed so that hopefully you never need it because hopefully the right people are always available and there's no need for an emergency contact to anybody. But if someone unexpectedly passes away or traveling and an issue happens, you want to have that contact information handy and where people know how to find it. So that's what the lead magnet is.

What I decided I was going to do today is build out mine with all the people that helped me, and they're all people I'm trying to refer anyway. So as I build it out, I can add those people to my lead magnet page so it will be opt in and then the squeeze page keeps going and it will talk about how I use the tool, how I've set up everything I'm doing with in my ecosystem. And so not only am I showing, giving a handout in order, and a lead magnet is something designed to get someone's information so that you can contact them in the future, whether it's email, phone call, address, whatever it happens to be you want to get their information, set it up so we can contact them in the future and go from there.

So that's what the lead magnet is, and mine will be that. And then it will be a bunch of links to all the people who help me build my business. And so it becomes not only a squeeze page, but also a referral page, an introduction page.

So I'm working on that. And then I added my board of directors to my blog. If you go look at my blog under the about tab, one of the links is to my board of directors.

And so you can see all the people that are influential in my life that I give control and empower to give me feedback. Because at the day, we're all in this, at the end of the day, we're all in this together. And so it's up to you to decide who do I empower.

And how do I empower them? And I have a friend. My parents, my, the CEO of secure Pacific and my family are all on my board of directors. That's who I empower to give me feedback on my life as an individual, not on my company.

And to me, there's a huge difference. They can give me feedback into how I live my life. Anybody can give feedback on a company.

But for me to take your feedback seriously on my life, I need you to know my life. And so that's how I've set it all up. And I'm really excited about it.

So go check it out. you can join my mailing list there.

You can download my lead magnet. You can see my board of directors. You can read my blogs, and you can.

I've got a resources tab, which has the primary resources I use to do everything I do. And so that's the strategy behind what I'm doing, is how do I turn Justin Stevens into a billboard that I can use throughout time to drive revenue to wherever I'm working? Because at the end of the day, it's my choice where to work. Yes, someone offers me a job, but it's me who gets up every day.

It's me who dials the phone or has the tough conversations or any of that. And so I want to encourage you to own that. Own that understanding that it's all in your capabilities.

It's all your choice. It's no one else's choice how you show up and what you do and how you do it. So how you do it becomes the most important thing in the world.

That's at least how I look at it. But yeah, that's been the weekend. I am having a ball and excited to connect with y'all soon.

So we will talk to you later. And between now and then, have a great day. Thanks for watching today's journal entry.

The best way to support my work is by following, liking, and sharing the content I create on a regular basis. I appreciate you being on this journey through time with me and have a wonderful day.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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