The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 13, 2024 - The Journey from Service Experts to Sonitrol Pacific: A New Opportunity

July 13, 2024 -The Journey from Service Experts to Sonitrol Pacific: A New Opportunity

July 13, 202413 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

Documenting My Journey: From Service Experts to

Sonitrol Pacific

Transitioning to a New Opportunity

Good morning. It is Saturday, July thirteenth, twenty twenty-four. This week marks a significant transition in my life. Last week was my final week with Service Experts. Starting Monday, I will embark on a new journey with Sonitrol Pacific, a commercial security company. Sonitrol Pacific has offices in Boise, Seattle, and Portland, and operates as a franchise.

I am excited about this new opportunity. Being part of a franchise allows me to sell franchise opportunities while focusing on the commercial side of the business. My goal is to be the best teammate possible for everyone at Sonitrol Pacific.

Rebranding and Expanding My Reach

I've been working on rebranding my Restream studio. By hitting the "go live" button, I can stream to multiple platforms like Rumble, Kik, Twitch, X, and YouTube. Eventually, I aim to add Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram to my streaming portfolio.

My philosophy is that a business is a box designed to collect and monetize time. Each social platform collects different time, and my goal is to reach people where they are. This approach helps collapse time by enlisting people to join my team while they pursue their own dreams.

Building a Brand with Sonitrol Pacific

I plan to integrate my existing assets—blog, Restream, and social channels—into Sonitrol Pacific. My core focus for the next ten years is to build my online presence through promoting Sonitrol, generating leads, and monetizing time as part of the team. This timeline aligns with my personal life, as my youngest child will be seventeen in ten years.

Patience is a crucial skill in entrepreneurship. I am practicing patience by dedicating the next decade to Sonitrol Pacific. Building a brand takes time, and I am committed to doing it right.

The True Value of Time

The true value of time lies in how you choose to direct it. As an individual, you have the power to decide where you go and what you do. This principle applies to employees as well. Your attitude, interactions with customers, and overall conduct are all within your control.

In the coming week, I will focus on learning Sonitrol's processes and systems. This is a critical step in aligning my efforts with the company's goals.

Transparency and Privacy

Life has its challenges, and I've been dealing with personal issues that I can't share publicly at the moment. Transparency is essential, but respecting others' privacy is equally important. Over time, I aim to be as transparent as possible, sharing everything except my innermost thoughts.

I believe that our society needs a higher level of transparency. Imagine if our president livestreamed his life 24/7. We would have a clearer understanding of strategies and goals, fostering a unified approach.

The Importance of a Unified Strategy

We need a unified strategy to move forward as a society. Transparency and long-term vision are crucial. I have a forty-year vision that guides my daily actions. By creating content and sharing this vision, I hope to inspire others to work towards it in their own way.

Paying taxes is a collective responsibility, and it's a part of my mission. With thirty-five trillion dollars in debt, we need to work together to address this issue. Everything I do is aimed at contributing to this effort.

Dedication to My Children and Society

Despite personal struggles, I remain dedicated to my mission. Each day is an opportunity to work towards a better future for my children. I believe that creating a great life for one person involves creating a great life for all people around them.

Everyone—teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers, and more—plays a role in our lives. To create a better future, we need to work together as a team.

Empowering Change

My mission is to empower people to take action and be the change they want to see. It is your choice to make an impact, and I am here to support you in that journey.

I will continue posting my daily journals, focusing on my experiences with Sonitrol Pacific. I am excited about this new chapter and look forward to the future.


If you ever need support, please reach out. We are in this together, and I am committed to our collective success. Have a great day, and let's continue working towards a better future.


Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is Saturday, July 13, 2024. It has been a good week. It's a transition week in my life for sure.

So last week was my last week with service experts. Moving forward on Monday, I start at Seven Pacific, which is a commercial security company here. They've got an office here in Boise as well as locations in Seattle and Portland.

And I believe it is a franchise which I didn't really know going into it. But I think that's really cool because I've been wanting to be a part of a franchise because that gives me, I'm kind of in the middle. I can sell up, sell franchise opportunities and sell down, sell the commercial side of it.

So we'll see again. I start Monday. It will be a learning experience and am thrilled to dive in.

So my goal is to go in and be the best teammate I can possibly be for everyone. Because at the end of the day, it's your call, how you show up and what you do. And so I've been working on rebranding here.

Let me give you a quick tour. So this is my restream studio. So if I hit go live here, I would be streaming to rumble, kick, Twitch, X and YouTube.

Right now. I can add in my Facebook page, my LinkedIn page. Eventually I want to get to where I can add in my TikTok and Instagram as well that I can stream yet on Instagram.

I haven't really paid looked at that. And so the whole goal, if you remember, so I believe a business is a box designed to collect and monetize time. So every social platform collects different time.

And so I want to put my message out on all the platforms so it's in front of the people where they like to be instead of trying to get them to transition to where I want them to be. And this is part of how I believe you collapse time is don't try to get people to change. Try to enlist them to be part of your team while they're chasing their own dreams.

That's why I do everything the way I do it. That's why I set my life up the way I've set my life up. So we've got restream that I'm hoping.

So you can see here we, I've got all my camera angles. Isn't that fun? We'll make that the main one. Look at all that.

How fun. So my hope is that I can come in, create a podcast, create something specific to Sonatrol so that as we're building out the business as we're figuring everything out, I know exactly what we're doing, how we're doing it, and I'm bringing all the assets I've created, I'm bringing my blog, I'm bringing restream, I'm bringing all my social channels, and I'm going to rebrand everything to Sonitrol Pacific because that's my core focus. That is my w two job today.

And so my goal is for the next ten years to focus exclusively on Sonatrol and building my online presence, through promoting Sonatrol, through doing lead gen, through helping collect and then monetize time as a part of the sonatrol team. And I picked ten years. Cause my youngest is 710 years, she'll be 17.

And right now I can always build a business in the future. I can never relive their life. And that's why I'm doing everything the way I'm doing it.

And it's why I consider patience the most important skill when it comes to entrepreneurship. I'm practicing patience for ten years before I dive into what I want to do. And I'm fine with that.

The time's going to pass anyway. I. Part of what I want to do is to build a brand.

I'm building a brand anyway. I'm just doing it under the sonatrol name, not under the name I pick, which is great. And to me, that is the whole purpose behind everything I talk about when it comes to the true value of time is it's your time to direct.

Today, anyone can tell you what to do, but only you can dictate where you go over the decades in the future. And that's the whole premise behind the true value of time, is it is your choice as an individual, it's your choice as an employee where you show up, how you show up, what you do, when you show up, it's always your choice. It is your choice, the attitude you have, it is your choice.

How you interact with customers and all of that. So moving forward this next week, I'm going to be focused on sonitrol, learning their processes, learning their systems, and then also be looking at, um. I just had a brain fart.

Oh. Oh, well. So sorry, Mandy.

Life's been a struggle. I've been dealing with a lot of stuff in my personal life, and I'm not with all of it. I am incredibly transparent, but not everyone in my life wants that.

And so right now, there's a lot going on in my life that I'm not sharing because it's been requested that I not share it. And so I thank you for your support in me keeping some things private at this point in time. You have my commitment that over time, I don't plan on having anything private except what is not said inside my head.

And to a lot of people, that is really scary to give up that level of privacy. In my opinion, that's what we need as a society is that level of transparency. I wish our president would livestream his life 24 hours a day.

I think we need that level of transparency. Yes. There are going to be times when there's private conversations that are not streamed.

I get that. But the stream can still be going on outside, it can still be running, and we can still know where he's at, what's going on, what he's working on, what the strategy is moving forward. And that's, to me, one of the biggest problems I see in politics is what is our strategy? Who's leading this strategy, who's even creating this strategy? Is it because I know the Democrats and Republicans both have their strategies.

I know the president has his strategy and it's a democratic strategy, but we are the american people. We need a unified strategy. So that's, that is the reason I live life this way, is because I want to be the example that I would like to see our president hold.

I would like to see this level of transparency of where we're going and what we're doing. Because transparency is everything. It's what makes or breaks us.

So, and if we're not transparent and on the same page, we'll never get where we're trying to go, ever. We've got to get on the same page. And the only way you can get on the same page is you have to have an extremely long time horizon.

You have to have a very clear goal of where you're trying to go. You don't need to know how you're going to get there. A lot of people do not understand that concept because the only way to collapse time is as a team.

So I believe I have a 40 year vision that I'm walking towards. And when I create content every day, every day I'm closing the gap between the 40 year vision of where I'm trying to go and where I am today. And so every day I'm closing that gap by creating content and sharing the vision.

Eventually, people will start to see that vision, buy into that vision, and start working towards that vision in their own way. And that's how we collect time, start working together. If you pay taxes in America, you are already on my team.

Everything I do is to pay taxes. We have $35 trillion in debt. Someone's got to pay that.

I believe it's going to be us. Us as in you and us as in me. And we have to work together to make that happen.

So that's why I do everything I do. And with the struggles I'm going through personally right now, it is what it is. This is part of my journey.

I wake up tomorrow. If I wake up tomorrow and I have another day to work towards the future, I want to leave my kids. And it's my choice to work towards it.

It is my choice to try and pay taxes. It is my choice to try and make the impact I want to make for my kids. No one can force you to do anything.

That's why I'm going to work as hard as I can, because I believe my kids deserve. Not that our country is not great, but it could be a lot better. And I'm going to work to make that happen for them because I love them and because I've dedicated my life to them.

And a part of doing that is understanding that their life is not just their life. Their life is everyone around them. It's their teachers, it's their.

The doctors we use, it's the nurses that help us. It's the fire department, it's the police station. It's the military.

It is the people who are building houses for us. It's the people who are building roads for us. Everyone is on our team.

Because in order to create a great life for one person, you need to create a great life for all people. And that's my mission. I just want to empower people that they can be the change.

They can go out and take action. It is their choice. It is your choice.

So I'm gonna start posting my daily journals again. Right now, I'm mainly just focused on my journey and what I'm working through, which right now I'm rocking and rolling with Sonitrul and I'm super excited about it. I think it is going to be a fantastic team to be a part of, and I can't wait to see where it all ends.

So, with that said, I hope you all have a great day. If I can ever do anything to support you, I am here for you. Please reach out.

We are in this together. I promise you. Okay, we'll talk to you soon.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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