The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 21, 2024 -A Journey of Self-Discovery and Community Impact - Embrace the Power of Change and Self-Reflection

July 21, 2024 -A Journey of Self-Discovery and Community Impact - Embrace the Power of Change and Self-Reflection

July 21, 202410 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

Time is a precious resource that shapes our lives and connects us all. It is a relentless force that we cannot rewind or pause. In this blog, we will explore the journey of self-discovery, the importance of community, and how personal growth can lead to positive change in society. Join us as we delve into the lessons learned, the struggles faced, and the aspirations that drive a mission to make a difference.

The Essence of Time

Time is more than just a measurement; it is a thread that binds us together. Every moment spent investing in ourselves and our relationships has the potential to create a ripple effect in our communities. Understanding how we utilize our time can lead to profound insights about our lives and the impact we have on others.

  • Time unites us all

  • Time cannot be redone

  • Investing time creates meaningful connections

  • Time shapes our experiences

A Personal Journey of Reflection

On July 21st, 2024, reflection took center stage. It was a Sunday morning filled with anticipation for a counseling session that aimed to unlock deeper understanding. Engaging with the complexities of mental health, particularly bipolar disorder, opened new avenues of self-awareness.

The realization of being bipolar was not only eye-opening but also liberating. It highlighted the importance of accepting oneself and understanding how mental health can influence daily life. This journey is not just about coping; it is about thriving.

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, impacting various aspects of life. These can range from manic highs to depressive lows. Gaining insight into this condition through videos and personal stories can foster empathy and understanding.

  • Manic episodes can lead to impulsive decisions

  • Depressive states may induce feelings of hopelessness

  • Awareness is crucial for self-management

  • Community support can make a difference

The Role of Medication and Support

Medication is a vital tool in managing bipolar disorder. It helps stabilize mood and allows individuals to function better in everyday life. The journey to finding the right treatment is often a process of trial and error, but it is essential for personal growth.

Support from family, friends, and professionals can also enhance recovery. Sharing experiences and lessons learned fosters a sense of community, creating a network of understanding and encouragement.

Setting Goals and Moving Forward

With newfound clarity, the focus shifts to setting goals. The importance of taking one day at a time becomes evident. It is crucial to prioritize personal well-being while also considering the needs of those around us.

Financial Stability and Career Growth

Financial challenges can exacerbate mental health issues. By relocating to live with family, there is an opportunity to alleviate financial burdens and focus on personal development. This strategic move allows for a fresh start and the chance to rebuild.

  • Eliminate unnecessary expenses

  • Focus on career stability

  • Prioritize personal health and wellness

  • Invest time in self-improvement

Professional Development at Secure Pacific

Working at Secure Pacific presents a chance to make a meaningful impact. Engaging in lead generation and supporting the company's growth aligns with personal goals. Focusing on core responsibilities can lead to greater success and fulfillment.

While the idea of creating a show around Uber is appealing, it is essential to prioritize tasks that contribute to long-term stability. By honing in on professional goals, the path to success becomes clearer.

The Power of Community and Transparency

As we navigate personal challenges, the importance of community becomes more apparent. Life is a team sport, and everyone has a role to play. By sharing experiences, we can inspire others and foster a culture of openness and support.

Building a Supportive Network

Engagement with others who face similar struggles can create a powerful support system. Sharing lessons learned and offering encouragement cultivates a sense of belonging. Together, we can uplift one another and work towards common goals.

  • Encourage open dialogue about mental health

  • Share personal experiences to foster understanding

  • Support one another through challenges

  • Celebrate each other's successes

Being the Change

Embracing vulnerability and transparency can lead to profound change. By sharing our journeys, we can inspire others to confront their challenges. This collective effort can reshape societal views on mental health and well-being.

It is essential to invite others to join this mission. By encouraging likes, shares, and comments, we can amplify the message and reach a broader audience. Together, we can create a movement centered on compassion and understanding.

Conclusion: A Journey Worth Taking

The journey of self-discovery is ongoing, filled with lessons and opportunities for growth. Embracing time as a resource allows us to invest in ourselves and our communities meaningfully. By acknowledging our struggles and celebrating our victories, we can inspire change in ourselves and others.

As we move forward, the call to action is clear: let's be the change we want to see. Together, we can create a supportive environment that fosters growth, understanding, and connection. The journey may be challenging, but it is one worth taking.

Thank you for being part of this adventure. If you have thoughts or ideas to share, feel free to reach out. Let's continue to learn, grow, and support one another on this path toward a brighter future.

Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo.

Time is what ties us together. That's what this show is about. That's what life is about.

How are you investing your time? Together we can be the difference we need in our society. Together we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together, and that's what this show is about.

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is July 21, 2024. It is a Sunday morning. I'm at my parents.

I've got counseling with Emily here in a little bit, which I'm really excited about. Last night was very eye opening. I spent probably 2 hours listening and watching videos on people who are bipolar and what that is like and some of their thought processes and how they do it and things like that.

I would say I am very much in the camp of being bipolar after watching those videos last night. So I'm already on some medication for it. I have another doctor appointment on Monday afternoon and I'm going to talk to them more about it.

And I feel like watching those videos helped me come to the realization that it is something I have and accept the fact that there's something that I can do about it. It doesn't change who I am as a person, but it will definitely change the way I show up and my ability to live more in the present instead of projecting into the future. It'll be very interesting to see how the meditation and everything helps me with learning and growing and getting better at the end of the day, getting better with what I'm doing and how I'm doing it.

And that's. That's the goal. That's the goal behind all of this, is how do I learn to get better and communicate better, be a better teammate for those around me and those external to me.

And I want to apologize for all the people in my life that I've not been a good teammate to because of my inability to manage and understand myself and what I've been struggling with. So thank you for your patience and thank you for your understanding as I figure all of this out, because I know it's something that's been affecting my life for years, and the longer I struggle, the more manic I become. And I think part of the reason why is because I feel like I have nothing to lose by not being manic and not putting myself out there in that way.

So I've been working through all that this morning and last night and just coming to grips with where I am as an individual and what I have going on and all of it. Just all of it. So with that said, I'm gonna go make some notes for my counseling appointment and put my thoughts together and continue moving forward one day at a time and get better at living in that day rather than projecting my future on that day, because both are incredibly important and I need to learn to live in the moment better.

So that's the journey we're on. I appreciate everybody tuning in, listening, being a part of this adventure. If I can support you in any way, please let me know.

And with that, I hope you have a great day. Good afternoon, everybody. It is July 21, 2024.

It is a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. We had counseling earlier and I got to share about my lessons learned from watching all the videos on bipolar, being bipolar and what that looks like and dealing with that. It was a good session.

I think based on that session, I'm going to be working on and just the conversations we've been having. I'm going to be working on our leases up here in September. So I'm going to work on emptying out the house.

Emily and the kids are staying with her folks, and I'll go stay with my folks as I try and get back on my feet financially and restart. And that will give the medicine time to work me, time to really get great at my job, what I'm doing there, how I'm doing it, how I'm supporting the company and figuring all that out. And that's the goal is how can I get back on my feet.

And so that's what I'm working on right now. Primarily going to be working on secure Pacific, doing Legion, getting things figured out there, figuring out the best way to move the company forward and get results for the company. I like the idea of Uber and creating a show around Uber and all of that, but I feel like it's a distraction.

And if I can figure out how to just focus on secure experts, I will be doing much better in the long run. And that's moving in with my parents will help because it will eliminate the rent payment as well as gas, power, water, stuff like that. I'll pay into them, but it's going to be a lot easier and will give me some time to build back up a base that I'm building from because I've struggled to build up a base.

So those are my thoughts right now. That's what I'm working towards. We'll see how it transpires.

I appreciate you all being on this journey with me. If you have ideas, thoughts, questions, comments, I'm happy to hear them. Don't forget to like and share this video.

We're building a team. Team through transparency, a team through time. And we're just building it by being the change.

And so that's my goal. My goal is to be the change, by showing people how to be transparent. With that.

I hope you all have a great day and we'll talk to you all soon. Thank you for tuning in to life with Justin Stevens. If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe we need in society, I invite you to like and comment on this video.

Share it with those that you think would benefit, and together we can take care of each other in a new and better way.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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