I work Full Time at Secure Pacific, doing commercial security systems. If you want to protect your most valuable assets, reach out and lets have a conversation.

is what my personal blog/CRM is built on

Justin's Personal Life Strategy Plan

On this page, you will see my currently Life strategy plan, starting with my 40 year vision, then working down to my quarterly commitments. This is a fluid process like life, and is designed to create a lighthouse for you to use when it comes to decision making. I ask myself often 'Will the decision I am about to make get me closer, or farther away from my dreams?'

Last Updated

December 10, 2022

My Why and 40 Year Vision

Spending time experiencing life and being together as a family to create everlasting memories


Be the lighthouse that shows others what it means to belief in something more than themselves.


Live life experiencing unbelievable things with each other and great friends, go to shows, travel, dance, swim, and live a life of adventure


Create a system that lets anyone leverage their time with each other's time to live a life that creates time freedom.


Live life together, wherever we go and whatever we do, we enjoy it and make the most out of the life we have left. 


Run for ID US House of Rep, Negotiate to install AHCI as the new dividend system in America,  Install AHCI as the 28th amendment to the Constitution, Integrate all 50 State Holding Companies,


Taking care of myself is the most important role I fulfill, I am responsible for putting this deal together.


Everything I do is to give people the tool to fund themselves. Decisions are made for the people who need it the most.


Teach others how to fall in love with learning from failure, and embracing the future of humanity as a team instead of as individuals.

My Pledge to Society

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

My Mission & Prime Directive

Create a legacy of people who chase their dreams that will be passed down from generation to generation

My What and 5 Year Vision

We are going to focus on digging out of the debt that we have accumulated. We are going to focus on
learning together and falling in love with education.

We will spend our time enjoying each others company as we make decisions based upon reducing our consumer debt load.


Find a church that we connect with to attend regularly,


Buy house, disney world trip, trip to europe, trip to Washington DC, cruise somewhere, 


Purchase Vacation Home, Purchase Home, Pay off all Credit Card Debt, Leave money alone in AHCI


Monthly weekend no kids overnight date nights, bi-annual weekend get-aways, Weekly date nights


Create Idaho's Holding Company, Run for Idaho House of Representatives, Write legislation to use IHC with AHCI as the tax system for ID


Plan Annual Thinking Trips, Weekly Therapy sessions, Workout, 


Go on 5 service trips, volunteer, invest 20% of personal holdings into for-profit for-cause businesses 


Establish holding companies for kids, establish IUL's for the kids, 

Our Annual Goal

These are the objectives I am trying to accomplish this year. I narrow these down from 8 categories to the 5 important ones that I am currently focusing on


long vacation together, family movie nights,


Week long vacation just us, Bimonthly date nights, Quarterly - Weekend without the kids, weekly financial meeting, 


Develop and implement longterm strategy with Jerry morgan for ProjecTools.  Develop process to sell AHCI without discussing the ownership structure, 


Plan Annual Thinking Trips, Weekly Therapy sessions, Workout, 


attend 4 live in person events, read 6 books, 

Quarterly Actions

These are the actions that I am taking in Quarter 1 of 2023 to accomplish my 40 year vision.


Spring Break trip, movie night out to a theatre, family dinner


weekend without kids, marriage counseling, date night out, Weekly financial updates


Develop PT Strategic plan, develop and implement accounting system for PDFY


work out 1 time a week, find weekly counseling


Attend 1 live event, read 1 book, hire a CPA mentor, hire an accountability coach/personal manager

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