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September 3, 2024 - Embrace Life's Challenges and Transform Your Journey

September 3, 2024 - Embrace Life's Challenges and Transform Your Journey

September 03, 20247 min read

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Life with Justin Stephens: Embracing the Journey Through Challenges

Welcome to another insightful exploration of "Life with Justin Stephens". In this blog, we will delve into the profound messages of resilience, hope, and transformation that can arise from the trials we face. Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, and it's crucial to understand how our struggles can pave the way for future victories. Justin's reflections remind us that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and change.

The Power of Perspective

In our daily lives, we often encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable. However, Justin emphasizes the importance of perspective. The notion of "dancing upon the ashes" symbolizes our ability to rise above adversity. It is a powerful reminder that every setback can become a stepping stone towards success. By shifting our focus from the pain of the moment to the potential for future triumph, we can harness the strength needed to overcome challenges.

Finding Strength in Struggles

Every trauma we experience can transform into a source of strength. Justin's message encourages us to invite healing into our lives. This involves acknowledging our pain and choosing to see it as a part of our journey. When we embrace our struggles, we allow ourselves to grow and evolve. This process can lead to a deeper understanding of our purpose and the impact we can have on the world around us.

Lessons from Failure

Failure is often viewed negatively, but Justin's insights challenge this perception. He suggests that failure is an integral part of success. Each failure brings valuable lessons that can guide us towards our goals. By reframing our understanding of failure, we can approach life with a growth mindset. This perspective allows us to learn, adapt, and ultimately succeed in our endeavors.

Success is Born from Adversity

Justin articulates a profound truth: success is often born from adversity. The struggles we face today may be the very experiences that shape our future victories. By examining our current challenges, we can identify how they contribute to our long-term goals. This understanding fosters resilience and determination, propelling us forward on our journey.

Creating a Culture of Hope

As we navigate life's challenges, it's essential to cultivate a culture of hope. Justin's message of hope encourages us to seek joy even in difficult times. By focusing on what we can learn from our experiences, we become agents of change in our communities. This shift in mindset not only benefits us but also inspires those around us to embrace their own journeys.

Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform our outlook on life. Justin highlights the importance of recognizing the positives that emerge from our struggles. By practicing gratitude, we shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. This practice fosters a sense of abundance and encourages us to appreciate the journey, regardless of the obstacles we face.

Embracing New Seasons of Life

Life is a series of seasons, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. Justin's reflections on God's grace and recompense remind us that every season serves a purpose. As we move through life, we must remain open to the changes that come our way. Embracing new seasons allows us to grow, adapt, and ultimately thrive in our pursuits.

Building a Supportive Community

One of the most significant aspects of navigating life's challenges is the support we receive from those around us. Justin emphasizes the importance of community in our journey. By surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals, we create an environment that fosters growth and resilience. Together, we can celebrate our victories and navigate our failures, transforming them into stepping stones for future success.

FAQs about Life with Justin Stephens

  • What is the main message of "Life with Justin Stephens"?
    The main message is about resilience, hope, and the transformative power of challenges. It emphasizes that our struggles can lead to future victories.

  • How can I apply these lessons to my life?
    By shifting your perspective on failure and embracing challenges, you can cultivate a growth mindset. Focus on the lessons learned from each experience and practice gratitude.

  • Why is community important in this journey?
    A supportive community provides encouragement and strength during difficult times. Together, we can share our experiences and create a culture of hope.

  • What role does gratitude play in overcoming challenges?
    Practicing gratitude shifts our focus from negativity to positivity, helping us appreciate the journey and recognize the growth that comes from our struggles.

  • How can I find strength in my own struggles?
    By acknowledging your pain and viewing it as a part of your journey, you can invite healing and growth into your life. Embrace your experiences and learn from them.

As we reflect on the journey of "Life with Justin Stephens", let us remember that every challenge is an opportunity for growth. By embracing our struggles and focusing on the lessons they bring, we can transform our lives and inspire those around us. Let's dance upon the ashes of our past and look forward to the victories that await us in the future.

Daily Podcast:



Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Good morning. Good morning, good morning and happy Tuesday. I am in my new house, set up at my desk here.

I'll give you a tour. I got my laptop, my work computer. Got monitors for each of them.

I'm very excited. Anyways, our devotional for the day is. I want you to dance upon the ashes.

Every place where the enemy has come against you is a place for future victory. A stage set for you to sing of my triumphant love. A launching pad into my magnificent restoration.

Every trauma can be turned into a place of exorbitant strength when you invite me into your pain, beloved. The enemy hates when his plans backfire. He'd rather knock you out and keep you out.

But when you walk in the highest reality of my love, nothing can hold you down forever. If you take my hand, I will lead you to the mountain peaks where your laughter will echo into every valley that once held your dry bones. But first, we will stop and dance upon the ashes.

We will sow the seeds of resurrection life into what appears dead and desolate. Each step of love and every movement of grace will release. A resurgence of hope and joy.

Though you have witnessed loss and destruction, life will come forth despite it all. I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh's grace and a time of God's recompense on his enemies. To comfort all who are in sorrow, strengthen those crushed by despair, who mourn in Zion, to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes, the oil of bliss instead of tears, and the mantle of joyous praise instead of the spirit of heaviness.

Isaiah 61 two, three. It's an interesting message. I want you to dance upon the ashes to me.

What that's saying is, as you journey through life, as you progress through life, we're constantly looking at how can we turn what's been a issue, a pain, a struggle, into a victory, not today, but in the future. Because it's through our failures that success happens. And so success.

Failure is part of success, and success is part of failure. You cannot have one without the other. And to me, that's what that's saying is, even though now seems tough, we will eventually dance on those ashes.

Because you must go through this to get to the place where I want you to be. So as you're going through life today, I hope you take time and think about what is going on in your world. Is it happening the way you have envisioned it? And if it's not, can you see how what's happening today will play into the life you want to live because that's where success lies, in understanding that today is one day of many, and we have to get through today to accomplish our mission.

And that's just how life goes. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day. Enjoy September 3, 2024, and we will talk to you soon.


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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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Camera Glasses

These glasses are amazing.

They give you a first person view of what it is that you are doing and gives great audio from yourself.

Super easy to turn on and start recording, and you can take pictures with them too.

Easy MicroSD card makes it a snap to get the recording into a computer for editing and processing.

These glasses are the most important tool to my entire strategy. I would highly recommend getting some for yourself to capture your adventure.

CRM Platform

Tracking, managing, and organizing your data is critical, and I use GHL for that.

GoHighLevel is an amazing tool for smaller businesses that are growing.

A ton of flex-ability, and you solve a ton of problems with one tool.

I run an agency account within GoHighLevel for small businesses.

If you want the resources that I use, you can download them all for free below.

It is amazing because of how many problems it solves for a small organization. The features that I love most are:

Video to Blog AI Software

I believe that the advantage humans have over software is that we can create new things.

Once you have created something though, software can and should help you process it as quickly as possible if you are looking to shorting the distance between time recorded and time produced.

I have been using this software to create the blogs that I do on a regular basis.

Legal Services and Support

Legal support and services is incredibly important as you are building a business, so make sure you have someone in your corner.

I personally work with Paul McLeod at Legal shield. He has been a member with legal shield for the past 15 years and has been fantastic to work with.

One of the things I love about legal shield is both the access to support, but also knowing that if anything happens with my identity they have my back.

I would highly recommend a conversation with Paul to see how Legal Shield could support both you and the team that you work with.

Live Streaming Platform

For doing my live streamings I use restream.io.

It has been extremely user friendly and easy to get an understanding for. I love the way that I can easily pull other cameras into one feed, share a screen, and so much more.

I have really enjoyed using the platform and would recommend it to anyone trying to build a brand!

Car Laptop Stand

Turning my car into an office has been instrumental when it comes to increasing my productivity.

I would highly recommend a car stand for anyone who works on the road regularly so that you have an 'office' that travels with you!

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