I work Full Time at Secure Pacific, doing commercial security systems. If you want to protect your most valuable assets, reach out and lets have a conversation.

is what my personal blog/CRM is built on

Understanding My Mission

I am on a mission to document the true value of time.

Time is the one thing that I believe unites all of us, regardless of skin color, religion, sex, or any other metric.

We are all alive, until we are not.

This blog is where we are writing that story.

The blog is designed to document the experiences I personally go through, and the life I lead as I travel through time.

The blog is owned by the subscribers who have helped me be successful in the past, and plan on supporting us in the future.

To generate content for the blog, I live my life to the fullest.

I focus on documenting my journey to making the biggest impact I can make for the most people possible.

My goal is to take my audience with me on this journey to creating an impact.

I see my life as a role play, showing others what it means to chase your dreams.

We monetize the blog through affiliate revenue, subscription revenue, and eventually we plan on acquiring other cash generating assets.

If you would like ownership in what we are creating as a team at America's Holding Company, I would like to invite you to subscribe to the system.

This system is designed for you to use however you would like, to be involved long term or short term.

It is designed to be self service and put you in the drivers seat.

Click the link below if you would like to sign up to be a part of our system.

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