The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

August 04, 2024 - Love and Action: Key Steps Towards Personal Growth

August 04, 2024 - Love and Action: Key Steps Towards Personal Growth

August 04, 202415 min read

Thoughts for Today:

In our fast-paced world, where distractions abound, it's essential to anchor ourselves in love and purpose. This journey isn't just about personal growth; it's about making a difference in the lives of those around us. This blog explores the key themes of love, action, and the power of choice in shaping our lives and communities.

The Power of Love

Love is often seen as a simple emotion, yet it serves as a foundational principle for a fulfilling life. When we allow love to guide our actions, we find clarity and purpose.

  • Love as a guiding principle

  • Compassion leads to connection

  • Wisdom helps us navigate challenges

As we engage with others, it’s crucial to remember that our love can inspire and uplift. By focusing on love, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

Living in Love

To truly live in love, we must prioritize it above all else. This means allowing love to influence our words, actions, and mindset. When love is at the forefront, we can overcome distractions and negativity.

As the saying goes, “I have not given you a spirit of fear, but the spirit of love.” This powerful reminder encourages us to let love be our primary motive. By doing so, we can build stronger relationships and communities.

The Importance of Action

Taking action is a crucial step in our journey. It's not enough to simply desire change; we must actively pursue it. Every small action contributes to a larger movement.

  • Start your day with intention

  • Seek opportunities for growth

  • Engage in activities that inspire

For instance, driving for Uber can be a metaphor for taking action. It provides flexibility and the chance to engage with people while pursuing personal goals. Embracing such opportunities can help us break out of our comfort zones and move forward.

Taking Action Daily

Every day presents a new opportunity to take action. Whether it’s pursuing a passion project or engaging in community service, these actions accumulate over time. Reflecting on our daily activities can help us align them with our broader life goals.

Action is not just about making big changes; it’s about consistency. By committing to daily actions, we can steadily progress toward our dreams while inspiring others to do the same.

Balancing the Virtual and Real Worlds

In today’s digital age, blending the virtual and real worlds is essential for success. Many businesses neglect one side or the other, missing out on valuable opportunities. Understanding how to bridge this gap is crucial.

  • Leverage digital marketing strategies

  • Engage with customers online

  • Utilize social media for outreach

This balance is particularly evident in businesses like Secure Pacific, which has been successful for decades but must adapt to the digital landscape to thrive. By creating a strategy that combines both worlds, businesses can enhance their reach and impact.

Creating a Strategy

To effectively combine real-world and virtual efforts, a clear strategy is necessary. This involves understanding customer needs and how to communicate effectively across platforms.

For example, utilizing social media to showcase services can attract potential clients. It’s about preselling clients on the processes and benefits of what you offer, establishing trust and transparency.

The Value of Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool for reflection and growth. It allows us to document our journeys, lessons, and experiences over time. This practice can help clarify our goals and track our progress.

  • Document your experiences

  • Reflect on daily actions

  • Set long-term goals

Through journaling, we can revisit our thoughts and feelings at different stages in life. This documentation not only serves as a record but also as a source of motivation as we look back on our growth.

Delaying Gratification

In a society that often prioritizes instant results, the ability to delay gratification is a valuable skill. Building something meaningful takes time and patience. Understanding that time is the ultimate currency can reshape our approach to life.

By investing our time wisely—prioritizing actions that align with our long-term goals—we create a more fulfilling life. This perspective encourages us to focus on sustainable growth rather than quick wins.

Owning Your Choices

Life is a series of choices, and owning those choices is empowering. Every decision shapes our path, and recognizing this gives us the agency to create the life we desire.

  • Take responsibility for your actions

  • Make choices aligned with your goals

  • Embrace the journey, including failures

By acknowledging that we control our choices, we can approach challenges with a proactive mindset. This realization allows us to adapt and pivot as needed, ensuring we stay true to our vision.

Empowerment through Choice

Understanding that our choices define our lives is liberating. It means we can change our circumstances by making different decisions. This mindset fosters resilience and adaptability, crucial traits for anyone on a journey of growth.

When we take ownership of our lives, we become active participants in shaping our futures. This empowerment is essential for creating meaningful change—not just for ourselves but for those around us.

Conclusion: A Journey Together

As we navigate our journeys, let us remember the power of love, action, and choice. These principles guide us toward personal growth and enable us to uplift others along the way. Embracing these values creates a ripple effect, fostering a supportive community.

Life is indeed a team sport, and there is room for everyone on this journey. By sharing our experiences—both wins and losses—we can inspire one another to pursue our dreams and create lasting change.

Join this journey, and together, let’s embrace love, take action, and empower ourselves and others to live fulfilling lives. The journey may be long, but every step counts. Let’s make the most of it!


Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

August 4, 2024 let love rule. The revelation of truth can only come through my love. As you live in my love, I will show myself through your life and through your words.

Many are those around you who need me. Love them and they will see me as my word says. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but the spirit of love.

My holy presence will spill from your heart as you overflow with my love. Many will attempt to distract you from this treasure, but your eyes are fixed on me and I will hold you fast in my love. Let all other things become supplemental to love must rule your life, words, actions, and mindset.

Loving must become the primary motive of your life. The deepest desire of your heart must be to know and love me first than to pour that love out to others. Let love compel you, let compassion lift you, let wisdom lead you, and the enemy will never be able to trick you into guilty service.

See what I am doing and remain in sync with my spirit and you will never be sucked dry or step outside the healthy boundaries of love. Anyone can say I love God, yet have hatred toward another believer. This makes him a phony because if you don't love a brother or sister whom you can see, how can you truly love God who you can't see first? John 420 this is a daily devotion I'm starting to read.

I hear his whispers encounter God's heart for you. So I'm excited about it. That was good.

Life is a journey and we are all in it together. On this journey, our goal is to support and protect as many people as we can. If you believe we can be the change that we need in society, I invite you to follow the life with Justin Stephens as we live life to do that change.

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is 515 am on Sunday, August 4, 2024. I woke up and instead of playing on my phone or working on the computer, I thought, you know, today's a great day to go drive Uber. So this morning I am just out driving Uber because there's never a bad time to take action.

It's one thing I like about Uber is you can just get in and go 24 hours a day. So if you're struggling with how do I take action? I'd encourage you to look at Uber because you can just get up and go. You can just take action.

And sometimes the act of acting is what will get you out of a funk and motivate you to get where you need to go. So anyways, I just wanted to do my quick morning update and we will talk to you soon. Shortly.

Secure Pacific has been going really well. I am really enjoying the process and the people, everybody's been so great to work with. And it's a very supportive environment, which is what I've been looking for.

And I think I can support everyone else in a way that they've not been supported, supported before because I'm trying to leverage the digital world with the real world business. And so that's one thing I've learned on my journey, is there's businesses primarily operate in one of two spaces. Their product is primarily a virtual product.

So think online education, online banking. Online, you fill in the blanken fitness programs. So these virtual businesses tend to neglect the real world businesses, and then real world businesses tend to neglect the virtual businesses.

So in the virtual, in the real world, a lot of real world businesses. So think remodeling companies, plumbing companies, electrical, don't harness the power of digital marketing the way they could to grow their business. And secure Pacific is a great example.

They've been in business 40 years, an awesome company. They have a lot of very cool systems and processes, but they don't leverage the virtual world to grow the business. And so my goal I've been working on building out a strategy for how would I take what we do in the real world and create a virtual process to jump start it, and how would I do it in such a way where we are literally pre selling our clients on the processes, what we do, how we do it, why we do it, all of those different things.

And I think it's incredibly important. And I. So that virtual business to real world business bridge, that's the bridge I'm trying to get, or the chasm I'm trying to gap is how do you combine a real world business with a virtual business? Great example is what I'm doing in Uber right now.

So I am driving Uber. I've got 14 minutes to go pick up my next fare. So I knew I had a little bit of time, so I put on my glasses, turned those on, and I'm doing a journal entry at the same time.

I went to TikTok and pushed go live. I had it all set up to do a behind the scenes live. So now I'm driving Uber in the real world, but because of my glasses, I'm creating a YouTube video, and because I'm live on TikTok leveraging that as well.

And the entire goal is how do you leverage your time not just in the real world, or not just in the virtual world, but in both worlds simultaneously. And that's my whole goal, is how do you leverage your time to create a the world you want to live in? Because there are a lot of options. There are a lot of things you can do to build out the world you want to be a part of.

But it all takes time, and it all takes effort, and it all takes a strategy. And most people don't think about the strategy behind how they live their life every day. The most important thing I do every day is my journal entries, because they are my strategy for chasing my dream.

And those journal entries is, it's the documentation of my life. And so in seven, when I'm 75, in 40 years, I can go back and retravel this journey I've been on. But I can only do that because I'm documenting the journey as I'm going on.

I'm documenting the process as I'm walking the process. And a lot of people don't like my content because they're like, Justin, no one cares. It's true.

I don't have the authority or the results to prove to people that I can do what I'm trying to to do. I don't. And I'm okay with that.

I'm okay walking alone. And to me, that's if you want to be a true entrepreneur, you need to learn to walk alone. And that's what I've been doing for quite a while.

I won't always have to walk alone, but in the mean for now, I do. And that's okay because it's part of a longer strategy where I'm not trying to get the results today. My goal is to have the results of what I'm building in 30, 40 years.

That means I am delaying gratification for 30 to 40 years on what I long. Now, there's other, like, with secure pacific, I've got other expectations and needs and stuff like that that I cannot wait 30 years for. But my goal, I have an unlimited amount of patience to accomplish what I would like to accomplish in life because it's my time.

And the time is going to pass until I have no more time. And so that's where my whole philosophy stems from, is if you own the time, it's your decision how to invest the time. It's your decision how to get the results that you believe you should get or want to get.

It is your choice. And so as humans, we need to stop looking at how can I get it today and start looking at if time is the true currency in the world. And I only have one opportunity to invest in.

You only have one life to live. And once that life is done, it's done. So that becomes the most important investment you make every day.

That's why I'm willing to delay gratification for so long, is because I know I'm investing the one thing that will never cycle back to me, money always cycles. Money is the fastest thing in the world to cycle. That's one of the reasons I like driving Uber, is money cycles in Uber so fast, someone gets in, they've already agreed to pay, and we're off to the races.

But in real life, time never cycles back to you. And so time becomes the currency that I look at for how am I investing it? Is the decision I'm making today going to get me closer or further away from the ultimate goals that I have set for myself? And your goals may not be understood by other people, and that's okay. It's their choice if they want to understand them.

It's their choice if they want to even pay attention to them, because they're your goals. And that's how I think about life is. Life is yours to control and design, but you have to get up every day and go work for it.

You have to put yourself out there in a way that says, you know what? This is where I'm going, this is what I'm doing, and this is how I'm going to get there, I think. And if it doesn't work, you say, okay, well, I'm going to change this, or I'm going to change that. Life is about making decisions, and it is always your decision what you do with your time, just like it's always my decision to put these glasses on.

No one can force me. They could ask me, they can ask me to show up and do a podcast around whatever it is they're doing, but no one in the world can force me to do a podcast or build a blog or drive Uber. You can request it, but it's always yours to control.

And that's one thing I would encourage everyone, never give up the power of choice. Everything that happens in my life has been my choice and will be my choice. It will be my choice because of the decisions I've made in the past that have led me to this position.

And so I just wanted to come on and encourage everyone to own the choices you make in life, because they are your choices. And it is your decision how things go and how things operate, which to me is incredibly awesome. I love knowing that everything in life is my fault and my choice.

That means anything in life. I can fix, I can change it, I can mold and adjust. It is my choice to do that.

So I'm about to go pick up my next fair so I am going to go ahead and turn off my journal entry and stop the live. But it was fun connecting with y'all. If you need anything.

I am here to be a support system and help anyone that I can through this journey we call life. Thanks for watching today's journal entry. The best way to support my work is by following, liking, and sharing the content I create on a regular basis.

I appreciate you being on this journey through time with me and have a wonderful day.

JournalMaintenanceSonitrolSecure Pacific
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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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