The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

August 14, 2024 - Discovering Your Purpose for a Meaningful Life

August 14, 2024 - Discovering Your Purpose for a Meaningful Life

August 14, 202416 min read

Embracing the Journey: A Path to Change and Community

Life is a journey filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and connection. As we navigate through our daily experiences, it's essential to recognize the significance of our actions and the impact they have on ourselves and those around us. This blog explores the themes of purpose, faith, and community, drawing inspiration from personal reflections and experiences.

Understanding Your Purpose

Each one of us is created for a significant purpose. We are not meant to live mundane or hollow lives. Instead, we are designed for meaningful and fruitful experiences. Acknowledging this truth can be incredibly empowering. Understanding that you have a unique role in this world can motivate you to seek out your true calling.

Believing in your purpose requires a commitment to self-discovery and growth. It often means stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing the unknown. By seeking a deeper connection with your faith and values, you can uncover the path that leads to a more fulfilling life.

Faith as a Driving Force

Faith plays a crucial role in navigating life's challenges. It serves as a guiding light, helping us to persevere even when the journey becomes difficult. When faced with uncertainty, leaning into your faith can provide you with the strength to keep moving forward.

As you cultivate your faith, remember to set aside time for reflection and connection. Whether through prayer, meditation, or quiet contemplation, these moments can help you hear the instructions meant for you. The more you invest in your spiritual growth, the more aligned you will feel with your purpose.

Creating Impact in Daily Life

Every action we take has the potential to create a ripple effect in our communities. Whether as a parent, friend, or professional, the impact of our choices can resonate far beyond our immediate surroundings. Recognizing the importance of our contributions can inspire us to act with intention.

Celebrating Everyday Heroes

In our society, many individuals work tirelessly to shape the future. Teachers, parents, and community leaders play pivotal roles in nurturing and guiding the next generation. It’s essential to celebrate these everyday heroes who dedicate their lives to fostering growth and development in others.

Take a moment to appreciate the work being done around you. A simple acknowledgment of someone's effort can uplift spirits and encourage continued dedication. By supporting one another, we can create a more significant impact together.

Embracing Change and Innovation

Change is an inevitable part of life. Embracing it with an open mind can lead to exciting new opportunities. As we adapt to new circumstances, we can also discover innovative solutions to challenges we face.

Redefining Strategies for Success

In the pursuit of our goals, it’s vital to reassess our strategies continuously. Sometimes, a shift in perspective can lead to breakthroughs. For instance, transitioning from a national tax strategy program to a more holistic approach to life can open doors to greater understanding and fulfillment.

Creating a playbook for living well, focusing on mentality and practical steps, can empower individuals to take charge of their lives. By documenting our experiences and sharing our lessons learned, we foster a culture of growth and support.

Building a Mobile Office for Flexibility

In today's fast-paced world, flexibility is key. Working from various locations can enhance creativity and productivity. Setting up a mobile office allows for greater adaptability and the ability to seize opportunities as they arise.

Making the Most of Your Environment

Transforming your vehicle into a functional workspace can be a game-changer. With the right tools, you can create an environment that supports your work while on the go. This adaptability not only maximizes productivity but also encourages a sense of freedom in how you approach your work.

Investing in equipment such as a laptop stand and a power source can make remote work seamless. The ability to work from anywhere can inspire creativity and lead to innovative ideas emerging in unexpected moments.

Connecting with Others: The Power of Community

Life is richer when shared with others. Building connections and fostering relationships can enhance our experiences and provide support when we need it most. Engaging with our communities, whether online or offline, can lead to meaningful interactions and collaborations.

Creating a Culture of Giving

One of the most fulfilling aspects of life is the opportunity to give back. Initiatives like the “Charity Chariot,” where you use your platform to bless others, can create a profound impact. By sharing your journey and encouraging others to participate, you can inspire change and foster community spirit.

Every act of kindness, no matter how small, contributes to a larger movement of positivity. Focusing on how we can help others enriches our own lives and builds a supportive network around us.

Documenting Your Journey

Keeping a journal or blog can be a powerful tool for reflection and growth. It allows you to track your progress, celebrate your wins, and learn from your failures. By documenting your experiences, you create a roadmap for others to follow.

The Importance of Sharing Your Story

Your story is unique and valuable. Sharing it can empower others who may be facing similar challenges. By being open about your journey, you not only inspire those around you but also create a sense of community.

Encourage others to share their experiences and create a dialogue around growth and change. The more we connect through our stories, the more we can learn from each other.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Journey

Life is a beautiful journey filled with opportunities for growth, connection, and impact. By recognizing your purpose, embracing change, and fostering community, you can lead a life of significance. Remember, you are not alone on this path. Together, we can support one another in creating a brighter future.

As you move forward, keep these principles in mind. Seek out ways to make a difference, celebrate your successes, and learn from your challenges. Life is about the journey, and together, we can make it meaningful.

Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is August 14, 2024. You were created for the significant. You are not defeated.

You are not destined for a mundane, pointless, hollow life. I created you for a meaningful, fruitful, satisfying, and significant life. I created you to walk with me in a way few have ever known.

I created you for glory. But in order to enjoy the life I've fashioned for you, you must believe. You must seek me as your primary goal.

You must set aside time to be with me and hear my instructions. You must agree with me when everything in your life feels of sorts. Ask for more faith and seek a courageous heart.

Knock on my eternal doors, and they will open to you. Watch the miracles come forth from your proclamations of faith and victory. Nothing will turn you aside when you walk with me by faith, seeing the invisible, loving the eternal, and living for the supernatural.

Rise up, mighty one, and take your place with my overcomers. I am with you, and that will always be enough. You are not forgotten, for you have been chosen and destined by Father God.

The Holy Spirit has set you apart to be God's holy ones, obedient followers of Jesus Christ who have been gloriously sprinkled with his blood. My may God's delightful grace and peace cascade over you many times over. One.

Peter. One. Two.

Wow. I feel that. I feel like I have been destined for something meaningful and impactful.

And I feel like my faith in God has been the only thing that has kept me going the last year, year and a half. My belief in the idea that he has a plan for me that I don't even understand, that I don't even know how it will work, has been one of the driving forces in my life. That devotional really speaks to my heart, and I hope it speaks to yours, because you, too, are destined for significance.

You're destined for great things, no matter how big or small they are. Great. If you are a parenthood, you are doing the most important job there is in our society.

That in and of itself is significant. That in and of itself is great. That is powerful.

You were created for significance, and so was I. It's our choice if we step into that creation. It's our choice if we decide to believe and walk with God in faith, or if we doubt and trust everything to ourselves.

Man, that fires me up. I'm ready to go tackle the day. I'm ready to go do something significant for someone.

Anything I can do to make someone smile and make the world a better place today, that is significant. I hope you have a great day. We'll talk to you all soon.

Life is a journey, and we are all in it together. On this journey, our goal is to support and protect as many people as we can. If you believe we can be the change that we need in society, I invite you to follow the life with Justin Stephensko as we live life to do that change.

So I have spent the evening working with my mom, going over what I've been trying to do, and she gave me some excellent feedback, and we made a lot of changes. So I ditched the national tax strategy program completely. We're gonna re change it all to from zero to hero.

The life ultimate playbook for living. Well, because that's what this is. It is all about the blog, which is the documentation of my life, and it's designed to be a playbook on what is your mentality? How does it work, what does it do? And so I'm really excited about it.

I think it's an awesome change, and I owe it all to my mama. Give it to my mama. Just got done doing drop off at Victory Middle School here in Meridian, and it is so fun to see the first day of school.

So, in Ada county, the first day of school is today, August 14, 2024. It is amazing what we do as a society together, like the coordination, the teamwork, the way everything works is really unbelievable if you take the time to look at it. And so today, on the first day of school, I want to celebrate the teachers who are literally programming our future and the parents who are taking care of and teaching and training all of our kids how to be positive members of society and how to go out and chase their dreams.

So my hats off to all of you. Thank you for everything you do, and I hope you have a great day. All right, so what is this thing? So, this is the new evacu pack inspection system.

Okay? And what we're doing is our customer, who is a co packer, accidentally sent out a whole bunch of chocolate or chocolate, chocolate hazelnut filled ice cream with just a chocolate lid. Okay? So what we've decided to come up with is an inspection system with an AI camera. Okay.

And then two barcode readers on the sides. Okay. And what this thing does is it grabs the barcode on the container and takes an AI picture of the bottom.

Okay. And it matches it to the algorithm that we built so customers can put in their skus and send us a picture of their lid, and we can add it to the system. That's awesome.

Just limited ice cream. We can do. We can do, like, meats, poultry, anything where the lid goes on after the product is a great fit.

Okay. And then we have a full v hmI system. We're still a little bit in progress here, but there will be a button so you can add new skews, obviously.

Start, stop and reset. This thing really should run by itself independently. And the way that we've designed it is it can drop into any conveyor system you already have.

This one is coming with the conveyor system we designed. But you can drop the inspection system anywhere. Gotcha.

So that is it in a nutshell. That's awesome. Working out some bugs.

So what if it's got like the wrong packaging? What happens then? We'll kick it. But there's a whole bunch of ways that we can. That the customer can decide.

We can stop belt. So alarm and a manual grab it. Okay.

Or on our customers since their SKUs account is pretty high and they're going pretty quick, we'll just kick it. If there's more than two or three in a row, there's a big issue. We'll stop the.

Stop the belt and hey, someone put the wrong mix in the system and you gotta fix it. That's awesome. Yep.

We'll be fully operational this week. And we're pretty much sure we're gonna ship next week. That's cool, dude.

So when do we get a test it and see it kicking and stuff like that? Right now we'll kick. But we're reprogramming a lot of the Skus so probably end of day tomorrow. We'll be basically running the fat.

Oh dude, that's awesome. Yeah, I'd love to. All right, all right, all right.

I. So I work out of my car pretty much most of the time. So I am setting my car up like an office.

So I got this suite plugin so that I can plug things into, you know like a computer or a printer should I decide to do that. And I got this, which is a laptop stand. So it is designed so see there? It's functional and you can expand it, contrast it how you need.

Then this is how are you set it all up? I'm guessing. So let's dive in and get this bad boy set up. Set up my new office.

I'm very excited. I've been wanting to do this for a while. So let's see what we do.

Quick release. Alright. Loosen the bolt of the seat and assemble with the base.

Then screw back to the seat. If your seat is unable to assemble them, please refer to step a. This came with it.

I'm not sure why there. Wonder if it. Alright, I am going to not record the entire thing.

I'm gonna get it set up and then I will do a recording and show you how I did that because I've got my sunglasses in and it makes it challenging. So this will be super easy to take in out, which. That's nice anyways.

Alright, so I got this all attached, this all set up. This is a stabilizer base. The way it works is it goes into.

It's got to be connected to the chair here. So I need. I don't have the right tool to pull that out.

Put this in. So I am going to go to Autozone and hopefully autozone has the right tool that I can borrow and if not borrow, I will buy it. So that is the next adventure.

Let's see if it works. All right. We got the tool we needed now to finish the job.

Let's go. All right, I got it all set up. You guys want to see? There she be.

Boom. So now I'm doing live here and a journal entry here. So you see, I've got my sunglasses on.

Which one of the cool things about these glasses is I can pop out the lenses. So this is how I do my journal entries, right? So if I pop out these lenses, I can switch them. What if we did one on one? Let's test it out.

Let's see. We got that. Just dropped that lens.

Oh, well, that's the wrong lens for the one I was testing. That's quite all right. All right.

What's up, Luda? Lucid ya. Lucidja, how you doing? I look like a pirate. This is excellent.

Yeah. So one of the things I love about these recording glasses is the ability to switch out the lenses based on my needs. So I'm going to put in my normal lenses because you might as well.

So I've got. My day's been pretty good. I've been had multiple sales calls and I've got a lot of quotes I've been working on, which is fun and exciting.

It's been. And then I got home and I got, I put a laptop mount in my car because I work out of my car pretty much all the time. And so I put a laptop mount in here.

So that's what I've been playing around with. That's why I'm going live right now as I'm just dinking around, seeing what's up. So, Lucidja, what are you up to? Look, I can even show stuff.

How's your day? Isn't that fun? I like restream. I use restream IO for my streaming stuff. So one of my ideas is, while I'm driving Uber, so I've got two streams of income.

We'll call it that. I do security systems for secure Pacific, and then my hobby is actually driving Uber. I like driving Uber because I love meeting new people.

It's always different. There's stuff out there, new people to meet, all this stuff. So one of my ideas is I call it the charity chariot.

And so I want people to hop in my Uber, and then I try to bless them, and we record it, we stream it, we turn it into a show, and that generates money, revenue, ad revenue, to bless more people. I'm glad you had a good day. I totally get that long day feeling I am right there with you.

What all do you do during the day? What keeps you busy? So I was doing security stuff and drove Uber, and today was my kid's first day of school, so that was fun. Being a parent, there's nothing like it. It is a boatload of work, but it's fun.

It is 100% worth it. You just have to get through the pain of it. The pain of parenting.

Let's see. Walmart couldn't find, so I had to go four different stores. Ah, I hate that.

Yeah. Finding the one thing you need can be such a pain in the tush. Like, at least there's different stores you can go to look for it, right? So while we're chatting, what could I do to be a blessing in your life? I know we've just met, and that's what I love about life and helping other people, and that's what I try to do.

So if there is anything you think, oh, Justin, you could help me in this way, I would be more than happy to, because that's my choice. And my choice is always, how do I help? How do I support people? Life's too short not to do it together. And that's my whole goal with my streams and what I'm doing here as I'm traveling through time, enjoying, enjoying all that life has to offer.

Thanks for watching today's journal entry. The best way to support my work is by following, liking, and sharing the content I create on a regular basis. I appreciate you being on this journey through time with me and have a wonderful day.


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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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