The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 14, 2024 - Reflections on Recent Events and the Role of Free Speech

July 14, 2024 -Reflections on Recent Events and the Role of Free Speech

July 13, 20249 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

The Passage of Time

Time slowly moves forward, over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo. Time is what ties us together.

That's what life is about. How are you investing your time? Together, we can be the difference we need in our society. Together, we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life.

A Life-Changing Weekend

Good evening. It is July 14, 2024. It is a Sunday afternoon of a very stressful weekend. Not stressful. Life-changing. A very life-changing weekend.

This weekend, there was an attempt to assassinate Donald Trump at a campaign rally. The shooter, by the grace of God, missed and only shot his ear. Shot a hole through his ear. Started bleeding profusely, and the whole world heard. The whole world saw and the whole world is changing.

The Aftermath

It has been a crazy day watching the aftermath of the political and then literal attempts on Donald Trump over the last ten years. People are fed up. People are sick and tired of all of it, me included. It was very real.

We live in one of the most amazing times in history. We are watching history being written before our very eyes. I hope you can see it. I hope you see what's going on. I hope you see how the media controls the narrative.

The Role of Free Speech

The reason they hate X so much is because X is about free speech. That's why if I'm on a social app, I'm typically on X. I don't believe anything I see on a computer. I only truly believe what I see come out of someone's mouth in person, but X is where you can share your beliefs. You can share your truth.

After what happened yesterday, I am reinvigorated to continue sharing my truth. Whether it's right or not is irrelevant. It is my truth. It is my belief system. And I believe we, as a country, can do better and will do better. I believe this is a major turning point for our society, which we have needed desperately.

Gratitude and Unity

I'm so grateful that President Trump was not hurt more than he was. I'm so grateful for everyone who stepped up and did all they could to take care of this situation. It is unbelievable that this could happen during an election season in America. Unbelievable.

I pray that we get to the bottom of this, that we find out what happened, why it happened. Well, we know what happened. Why it happened? And what else behind it happening? What were the motives? Why did this action take place?

At the end of the day, we all are in this together. And that's what I've been thinking about all day. We're in this together. We sink or swim as a team. America is not one person, it's all of us.

Being an American

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm an American. That's why I like MAGA—Make America Great Again. It's not about any one person. It's not about any one thing. It's about us. It is about our unity and what we're doing to push forward each and every day.

I want to empower you to keep being the change you believe we need in society. Empower you to go out and take action. And live life in a way where you are the impact you think society needs. Take actions to be that impact.

Small Acts of Kindness

Help people. Share a smile. Share a kind word. You never know how much one little act will do in someone else's day. We have no idea what's going on in anyone else's life ever. Even what they tell you will be shrouded in secrecy because that's how we are as a society. Transparency is shunned.

People do not like it if you're just sharing your truth. They want to have a reason that you're doing it. People believe you need some sort of credentials to use the freedom of speech. You do not. This freedom of speech is there for all of us to wield as we see fit.

Using Your Freedom of Speech

I wanna encourage you as this election year moves on, use your freedom of speech. I don't care who you vote for. That's not what this is about. This is about what can you do for your country.

I think the most important thing you can do is use your freedom of speech and vote. Be a part of the change we need in society. My goal is to live every day as part of that change because together, we sink or swim.

Support and Community

If I can help you, reach out. I'm happy to. I know we're in this together, and I am here to support. With that said, I hope everybody has a great day, and we'll talk to you soon.


Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Time slowly moves forward over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo.

Time is what ties us together. That's what this show is about. That's what life is about.

How are you investing your time? Together we can be the difference we need in our society. Together, we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together.

And that's what this show is. Good evening. Good evening.

Good evening. It is July 14, 2024. It is a Sunday afternoon of a very stressful weekend.

Not stressful, life changing. A very life changing weekend. This weekend, there was an attempt to assassinate Donald Trump at a campaign rally.

The shooter, by the grace of God, Trump, turned his head during his speech, and the shooter shot his ear, shot a hole through his ear, started bleeding profusely. The whole world heard, the whole world saw, and the whole world is changing. It has been.

It has been a crazy day watching the aftermath of the political and then literal attempts on Donald Trump over the last ten years. And people are fed up. People are sick and tired of all of it, me included.

It was very real seeing it. We live in one of the most amazing times in history. We are watching history being written before our very eyes.

I hope you can see it. I hope you see what's going on. Going on.

I hope you see how the media controls the narrative. The reason they hate X so much is because X is about free speech. That's why I.

If I'm on a social app, I'm typically on X. I don't believe anything I see on a computer. I only truly believe what I see come out of someone's mouth in person.

But X is where you can share your beliefs, you can share your truth. And after what happened yesterday, I am reinvigorated to continue sharing my truth. Whether it's right or not is irrelevant.

It is my truth. It is my belief system. And I believe we as a country can do better and will do better.

I believe this is a major turning point for our society, which we have needed desperately. I so grateful that President Trump was not hurt more than he was. I'm so grateful for everyone who stepped up and did all they could to take care of this situation.

It is unbelievable that something like this could happen during an election season in America. Unbelievable. I pray that we get to the bottom of this, that we find out what happened, why it happened.

Well, we know what happened, why it happened. And what else behind it happening? What were the motives? Why did this action take place? At the end of the day, we all are in this together. And that's what I've been thinking about all day.

We're in this together. We sink or swim as a team. America is not one person.

It's all of us. It's not really. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.

I'm an American. That's why I like mega make America great again. It's not about any one person.

It's not about any one thing. It's about us. It is about our unity and what we're doing to push forward each and every day.

So I want to empower you to keep being the change you believe we need in society. Empower you to go out and take action and live life in a way where you are the impact you think society needs. Take actions to be that impact.

Help people. Share a smile. Share a kind word.

You never know how much one little act will do in someone else's day. We have no idea what's going on in anyone else's life, ever. Even what they tell you will be shrouded in secrecy because that's how we are as a society.

Transparency is shunned. People do not like it if you're a just sharing your truth. They want to have a reason that you're doing it.

People believe you need some sort of credentials to use the freedom of speech. You do nothing. This freedom of speech is there for all of us to wield as we see fit.

And I want to encourage you as this election year moves on, use your freedom of speech. I don't care who you vote for. That's not what this is about.

This is about what can you do for your country. And I think the most important thing you can do is use your freedom of speech and vote. Be a part of the change we need in society.

My goal is to live every day as part of that change. Because together we thinkers been. So if I can help you reach out, I'm happy to.

I know we're in this together and I am here to support. With that said, I hope everybody has a great day and we'll talk to you soon.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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