The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 15, 2024 - A Day of New Beginnings - Embracing Change and Joining a New Team

July 15, 2024 -A Day of New Beginnings - Embracing Change and Joining a New Team

July 15, 202412 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

The Significance of Time

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo. Time is what ties us together. That's what life is about. How are you investing your time?

Together, we can be the difference we need in our society. Together, we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way. We can help each other get the results we want. We are in this together.

A New Chapter Begins

Good morning. It is Monday, July fifteenth twenty twenty four. It is the first day of the rest of my life. We do it for that flag, guys. Everything we do is because I believe we can make America great again.

I am off to Sonitrol. I'm very excited. I think this is gonna be an amazing fit for what I'm looking for, and the team seems awesome. I am very excited to be a part of this team. Today, I'll be interacting with six people in this branch.

Joining a New Team

There are four people in the branch. Matt, who is transitioning out moving to Arizona, and Jim, who's the CEO, who's in town to help facilitate training and onboarding. I brought Christmas ornaments for everybody.

My goal is to dive in and be a great member of the team. The team is what's going to help me be successful over time. It's a little way for me to say thank you for being patient and for the investments you're making into my life.

The Importance of Teamwork

We are all humans working with humans. I put together a little letter about who I am. I've got the Christmas ornaments and a flag. I always work under the flag. It's important to me that eventually, I have a flagpole in my trunk that I pull out and put up.

Life is full of opportunities and change. We don't know what's going to come down the pipeline, and that's okay. It is okay not to know. It is okay not to understand what next week's gonna look like or next month.

Embracing Uncertainty

You have to go through it today and then tomorrow and the next day. That's how life moves. It just constantly moves forward. It waits for no one. That's why I'm so excited for today and everything we have going on.

We can all come together and create the world a better place. I don't know exactly what they're gonna want me to do or how they're gonna want me to do it. I'm finding that out today. Full transparency, if they ask me to stop all social content, I will stop immediately.

Adapting to New Roles

I can always pick it up in ten years or whenever. But my goal is to be a member of the team. It is to follow the rules and operate within the boundaries they set. Because it's not my company, it's their company. I am a soldier in their army.

Jim Payne is the leader in their army. My job is to show up and do what I'm told. That's all of our jobs when it comes to life, growth, and change. Eventually, I believe I'll get more freedom to make decisions.

Knowing Your Role

I may be empowered to say, "Justin, go do what you think you should do to grow this business." In which case, that's what I'm gonna do. But until I am empowered in that way, it is my responsibility to do as I'm asked.

It is not my responsibility to tell anyone else how to operate. Today's my first day. I wouldn't even know where to start when telling them how to operate yet. That's the point of all of this. In life, you need to know your role.

Learning and Growing

I know my role when it comes to Justin's long term future. I don't know my role when it comes to Justin's future with Sonichol. That's what I'm learning today. Whatever that role happens to look like is what it looks like, and that's what we're gonna do.

I am incredibly grateful and blessed for the opportunity, and I can't wait to see where it all goes from here. So that is my morning update. My goal moving forward is to do a morning journal entry on the way to work and an evening journal entry on the way back home.

Documenting the Journey

Then I'll splice those together. That will create one journal entry. If I'm live streaming, creating other content, it won't be part of the journal. It's just gonna be other content.

That is, of course, if that is acceptable within my role and within what I'm doing on behalf of Sonitrol, which we will find out. So with that said, I hope you guys have a fantastic day. I hope you tackle the day and make sure everything happens the way you would like it to happen.

Attitude and Effort

You do that by how you show up and the attitude you have when you show up. I hope you're doing great, and we'll talk to you soon. Good afternoon, everybody. My day was awesome. I am so excited for what I'm doing with Secure Pacific.

There's two companies, owned by the same team. Turns out I'm working on Secure Pacific more than Sonitrol security. So, I'm gonna be rebranding everything to Secure Pacific. I'm gonna be working with their brand colors, rebrand my blog, rebrand my website.

Rebranding Efforts

Work on making their logo the only logo I have on there and going all in. It is I'm really excited. It was a great day. If anybody needs security systems in the northwest, that's what I do now. Very exciting stuff.

What a day. I think my biggest takeaway is the team. It's a four person team here in Boise. There's two techs, an office manager, and a service manager. So five person team. It is going to be awesome. I'm really excited about it.

Offering Help

If anybody needs help or has questions, let me know. I am here to serve. That is my quick wrap up. I will be traveling in two weeks and three weeks for more training on-site. We are going from there.

I hope you guys have a great day and we'll talk to y'all soon. Thank you for tuning in to Life With Justice here. If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe we need in society, I invite you to like and comment on this video.

Creating Change Together

Share it with those that you think would benefit. Together, we can take care of each other in a new and better way. Life is a team sport, and there is room for everyone on my team!



Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo.

Time is what ties us together. That's what this show is about. That's what life is about.

How are you investing your time? Together we can be the difference we need in our society. Together we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together and that's what this show is.

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is Monday, July 15, 2024. It is the first day of the rest of my life. We do it for that flag, guys.

Everything we do is because I believe we can make America great again. I am off to sonitrol. I'm very excited.

I think this is going to be an amazing fit for what I'm looking for. The team seems awesome. I'm very excited to be a part of this team.

And so I got. There's gonna be six people today that I'll be interacting with in this branch. Well, five.

So four people in the branch. Matt, who is transitioning out, moving to Arizona, and Jim, who's the CEO, who's in town to help facilitate training, onboarding, all of that. So I brought Christmas ornaments for everybody.

My goal is to dive in and be a great member of the team. And I know the team is what's going to help me be successful over time. And I.

It's a little way for me to say thank you for being patient, thank you for the investments you're making into my life and helping me grow because that's what all of them will be doing regardless of the roles we play together. We're all humans working with humans. So put together a little letter kind of about who I am.

I've got the Christmas ornaments. I've got a flag. I always work under the flag.

It's important to me that eventually I've thought about getting to the place where when I go to a call, I have a flag in my. Like a flagpole in my truck trunk that I pull out and put up. But that's.

I'm a nerd like that. So I am. I feel blessed beyond belief.

Life is full of opportunities, it's full of change. And we don't know what's going to come down the pipeline. And that's okay.

It is okay not to know. It is okay not to understand what next week's gonna look like or next month because you have to go through today and then tomorrow and the next day. And that's how life moves.

It just constantly moves forward. It waits for no one. And so that's why I'm so excited for today, for everything that we have going on and to see how, how we can all come together and create the world we want to live in.

So for the foreseeable future, my goal is to. I don't know exactly. I know I'm sales.

That's my role. I don't know exactly what they're going to want me to do or how they're going to want me to do it. I'm finding that out today.

Full transparency. If they ask me to stop all social content, I will stop immediately. I can always pick it up in ten years or whenever.

But my goal is to be a member of the team. It is to follow the rules and operate within the boundaries they set. Because it's not my company.

It's their company. And I am a soldier in their army. I am not the leader in their army.

Jim Payne is. And so my job is to show up and do what I'm told. That's all of our jobs when it comes to life, when it comes to growth and change.

And, yes, eventually, I believe I'll get, may get more freedom to make decisions, or I may be empowered to say, hey, Justin, go do what you think you should do to grow this business. In which case, that's what I'm gonna do. But until I am empowered in that way, it is my responsibility to do as I'm asked.

It is not my responsibility to tell anyone else how to operate. Today's my first day. I wouldn't even know where to start when telling them how to operate yet.

And that's the point of all of this. In life, you need to know your role. I know my role when it comes to Justin's long term future.

I don't know my role when it comes to Justin's future with sonitrol. That's what I'm learning today. And whatever that role happens to look like is what it looks like, and that's what we're gonna do.

And so I'm incredibly grateful and blessed for the opportunity, and I can't wait to see where it all goes from here. So that is my morning update. My goal moving forward is to do a morning journal entry on the way to work and an evening journal entry on the way back home.

So then I'll splice those together. That will create one journal entry. And if I'm live streaming, creating other content it won't be part of the journal.

It's just going to be other content. And that is, of course, if that is acceptable within my role and within what I'm doing on behalf of sonic roll, which we will find out. So with that said, I hope you guys have a fantastic day.

I hope you tackle the day and make sure everything happens the way you would like it to happen. And you do that by how you show up, in my opinion, and the attitude you have when you show up. So I hope you're doing great and we'll talk to you soon.

Good afternoon, everybody. My day was awesome. I am so excited for what I'm doing with secure Pacific.

So there's two companies owned by the same team. Turns out I'm working on secure Pacific more than sonotrope security. So I'm going to be rebranding everything to secure Pacific.

I'm gonna be working with their brand, colors, rebrand my blog, rebrand my website, work on making their logo. The only logo I have on there and going all in it is. I'm really excited.

It was a great day. If anybody needs security systems in the northwest, that's what I do now. So very exciting stuff.

Yeah, what a day. I think my biggest, the team is, so it's a four person team here in Boise. So there's two tech office manager, service manager and me.

So five person team and it is going to be awesome. I'm really excited about it. So if anybody needs help or has questions or anything, let me know.

I am here to serve. That is my quick wrap up. I will be traveling in two weeks and three weeks for more training on site and we're going from there.

I hope you guys have a great day and we'll talk to you all soon. Thank you for tuning in to life with Justin C. If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe we need in society, I invite you to like and comment on this video, share it with those that you think would benefit, and together we can take care of each other in a new and better way.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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