The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 16, 2024 - Life with Justin Stephens: A Journey Through Time - Personal Growth, First Sale, and More

July 16, 2024 - Life with Justin Stephens: A Journey Through Time - Personal Growth, First Sale, and More

July 15, 202415 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

Introduction: The Essence of Time

Time slowly moves forward, over, over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo. Time is what ties us together. That's what life is about. How are you investing your time? Together, we can be the difference we need in our society. Together, we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together, and that's what this journey is.

New Beginnings

Good morning. It is July sixteenth, twenty twenty-four. I have an update on my job front. I got hired by Sonichol Pacific, which owns two companies. I learned that I am going to be focused primarily on Secure Pacific. This morning, I spent probably an hour and a half rebranding my blog, social accounts, and working on changing up the color schemes. Rosie will be rebranding all the journal entries moving forward. The past is the past, and history is about writing it, not changing it. It's about changing as you move forward.

Connecting with People

I was on TikTok, and some random person invited me to go live. He was from Nigeria. We had a great conversation about his dreams, and I gave him some advice. Today has already been a wild success because he got a ton of value from the conversation. That's what I want out of life. I want to help people. There's no limit to how many people you can serve if that is your goal. If your goal is just to make money, you have to do things differently. But if the goal is to be of value, the money will follow.

The Freedom of Time

I have complete confidence that someday I will be wildly successful. I already see myself as wildly successful now, but most other people don't. And that's okay. They don't live in my head. I make my decisions. I am a free man. That's why I am honored to live in America because I have the freedom of speech. I have the freedom to record a journal entry every day. Whether anyone listens to it or not, it's all irrelevant. The time is going to pass, and we all share the same time. What you do in that time makes the biggest difference.

Service at Secure Pacific

Yesterday, during onboarding and training at Secure Pacific, I learned that the entire company is built on service. One key difference is how we handle alarms. Once an alarm gets triggered, our team starts monitoring the situation and calls the police if necessary. We stay on the phone until the situation is resolved. This is one of the differentiators between Secure Pacific and other security companies. Our service is much higher, which is why someone would want to pay more.

The Joy of Helping Others

Life's about helping people. You can do it at any point in time if you choose to. I hope you go out and be the change we need in the world. That's my goal because, at the end of the day, time's gonna pass anyway. Good evening. I hope you're all doing fantastic. It is a glorious Tuesday afternoon, July sixteenth, twenty twenty-four. I am out driving Uber, which has been fun. My new office is right next to the airport, which is a blessing. I turned the Uber app on and got a ride within thirty seconds.

First Sale and Partnerships

At Secure Pacific, I got my first sale today. Six dollars MRR headed to the pipeline. It was an existing client upgrade for three new door sensors. My friend John with ACS reached out with an RFQ for security systems. We talked about a strategic partnership, and Matt and I are going to discuss it with him on Thursday. I have training and a networking group tomorrow. I'm really loving this job. It has been amazing. I got to show Jim, the CEO, my blog and walked him through my lead magnet.

Personal Growth

On a personal side, things are going really well. I've been going to counseling, marriage counseling, and taking my meds. I feel good. I know that's surprising for those who follow me regularly. But I do, I feel fantastic. Life is happening for me each and every day. God has his hand on the wheel, and I'm just his tool marching through time. This morning, I rebranded all my social content, which was cool. I love helping people. By far, the best thing in the world is helping others for no reason other than you can.

The Great Game of Life

The greatest game to play is the great game of life. It's about what you are doing to make your life better. It's something you can do every second of every day. It's in your attitude, how you show up, how you talk to people, and what you do for people. It's the funnest game in the world. I think Elon Musk is the best player of the great game of life. Someday, it is my goal to have Elon Musk as part of my circle. What he's done for humanity is amazing. Anyone who can't see that is a silly goose.

Final Thoughts

Life is your choice. If you want to see it, if you don't want to see it, it doesn't bother me because I can't control you. I'm just gonna live and love life. If I can do anything for any of you, reach out. Let me know. I'm here to serve. Thank you for tuning in to Life With Justice. If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe we need in society, I invite you to like and comment on this. Share it with those who would benefit. Together, we can take care of each other in a new way.

Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo.

Time is what ties us together. That's what this show is about. That's what life is about.

How are you investing your time? Together we can be the difference we need in our society. Together we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together.

And that's what this show is about. Good morning. Good morning.

Good morning. It is July 16, 2024. There's our flag.

We got this, guys. We got this. I am off to secure Pacific.

So update on my job front. I got hired by Sonitrol Pacific, but they own two companies. And so I've learned that I am going to be focused primarily on secure Pacific.

And so this morning, I spent probably an hour and a half rebranding my blog, rebranding my social accounts, working on changing up the color schemes. I'm going to be having Rosie work on rebranding all the journaling, the journal entries moving forward. So one thing I don't worry about the past.

The past is the past. That's what writing history is about. It's not about changing the past.

It's about changing as you move forward. So I'm going to have her rebrand the journal entries and everything moving forward to the correct, the new color scheme, logos, all of that. It's coming along really well.

Super excited. See, see where it goes from here. And, yeah, so that has been a ton of fun.

And then I was on TikTok and some random person invited me to go live, so I jumped on his live, and he was from Nigeria and it was just me and him. And I talked with him for ten minutes, asked him about his dreams, gave him some advice on chasing him, and we had a great conversation. It was really cool.

And that's why I do everything I do. And so today has already been a wild success because he got a ton of value from the conversation. And that's what I want out of life.

I want to help people. That's all. And I do it every day.

And that's the beautiful thing about life, is there's no limit to how many people you can serve. There's no limit to how many people you can help. If that is your goal, if your goal is just to make money, then you have to do things differently.

But if the goal is to be of value, to create value, then you can do that today, the money will follow. I have complete confidence that someday I will be wildly successful. I already see myself as wildly successful now.

But most other people don't, and that's okay. They don't live in my head. They don't make my decisions for me.

I make my decisions. I am a free man. That's why I am honored to live in America, because I have the freedom of speech.

I have the freedom to record a silly journal entry every day. Whether anyone listens to it or not. It's all irrelevant.

The time is going to pass. We all share the same time. And so what you do in that time makes the biggest difference over that time.

And that's why I do my journals the way I do them. That's why I live my life the way I live it is because time just passes. And once people realize the true currency in the world is time, they'll start looking at how they use their time differently, because time is really what ties us all together, and that's yesterday and onboarding and getting trained up in everything we're doing here at service experts and how it works.

And not service experts. Secure Pacific. Excuse me.

As I'm getting trained up, every. This entire company is built on service. And one of the key differences, which I didn't understand until we were watching some actual videos that the companies put out on how they catch perpetrators.

And one of the differences, once an alarm gets triggered, our team back at the command center starts paying attention to those videos, watching what's going on. If it is a true alarm, they call the police and stay on the phone with them until the perpetrator is taken care of, whether they're gone or the police catch them or whatever it looks like we're on the phone monitoring them, and it's like having eyes in the sky for the police department the entire time, or fire department or whoever's there, whoever we're helping due to whatever problem we're solving. Uh oh.

Did his car die? We may need to pull over and go help him. Not sure how I would do that. Hopefully it's okay.

Anyways, that's one of the differentiators between secure Pacific and a lot of other security companies, is how we service the customer once they're a customer. Because a lot of companies are like, how many homes can we monitor with one person? An example was there's one company not going to name names, that their goal is to monitor 1 million homes per one individual, which, yes, you tend to do that with AI and technology and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, what happens once something's going on? So one individual in our company monitors about 3500 to 5000 homes because the service is so much higher than what other companies do.

And to me that's super cool. That's why someone would want to pay more. That is why someone would want to.

I totally think he's stuck. I'm gonna go park down here and go help him because we can and I will be late and I am okay with that. And I believe they will be too.

It. Howdy. Thank you guys.

You are welcome. Need anything else? No, the tow truck sounds wet. All right.

That's not smart of me to run out like that. Oh, well, yeah. Life's about helping people and you can do it at any point in time if you choose to.

So I hope you go out and be the change we need in the world. That's my goal. Because at the end of the day, time's gonna pass anyway.

So anyways. Could catch my breath. Good evening.

Good evening. Good evening. I hope you're all doing fan freaking tastic.

It is a glorious Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday, July 16, 2024. I am out driving Uber, which has been fun.

I was wrapping up my day and I turned the Uber app on because my new office is right next to the airport, which. What a blessing. That's one of the places where you get lots of uber rides.

So I turned the app on and within 30 seconds I got a ride. So I grabbed my stuff, headed out, been going from ride to ride to ride ever since. So this is the first time that I didn't have a ride already lined up after my last one, which was a lot of fun.

Had some great conversations out driving, which was wonderful. At secure Pacific, I got my first sale today, $6 MRR headed to the pipeline. Yep.

As an existing client upgrade for like three new door sensors. It was awesome. But yeah, so that was fun.

My friend John with ACs reached out. I got to go see him last week, and he reached out. They got a RFQ for security systems, which is what we do.

And we talked last week about partnering strategic partnership. So we are. Matt and I are gonna go talk with him Thursday, which will be a lot of fun.

So I'm gonna go do that Thursday and then we've got tomorrow. I've got training and I've got a networking group. I'm really loving this job.

It has been amazing. It really has. And I got to show Jim, my, the CEO, my blog today a little bit.

Walked him through my lead magnet, what that looks like. And now it is a matter of getting to work, which is what I've been doing. And it has been great.

So had a lot of fun there. I feel like, on a personal side, things are going really well. I've been going to counseling, marriage counseling, taking my meds.

I feel good. I know that's surprising for all of you people that follow me on a regular basis. You know how often I am a Debbie downer, but I do.

I feel fantastic. Feel like life is happening for me each and every day, and I couldn't. I honestly couldn't have designed it better myself.

Like, I feel like God has his hand on the wheel, and I'm just his tool, marching through time. Like, yesterday, I'm gonna log off. So yesterday, forgot what I was going to tell you about yesterday.

But this morning, I rebranded all my social content, which was cool. And I almost got hit by a car. Not cool, but you already know.

You probably watched the video. I was recording a podcast when it all happened, so that was fun. I love helping people.

By far, the best thing in the world is helping others for no reason other than you can. To me, that is like. That's what I like to do.

I like to help people. So anyways, that is my quick evening update. I'm gonna head home, make some dinner, and I think I'm gonna stream tonight.

I think that sounds fun. So probably go live, and who knows what'll happen. Maybe I'll play some video games.

That could be fun. Not really. I don't really like video games.

I feel like the greatest game to play is the great game of life, and it's, what are you doing to make your life better? That's how you play the game. And it's something you can literally do every second of every day. And it's just in your attitude, it's how you show up, that's how you talk to people.

It's what you do for people, and it's the funnest game in the world. I think Elon Musk is the best player of the great game of life in the world. Someday I.

Someday it is my goal to be part of Elon Musk's circle, or I should say, have Elon Musk as part of my circle, Michael, because I. What he's done for humanity is amazing. And anyone who can't see that is a silly goose.

But life's your choice. So if you want to see it, if you don't want to see it, doesn't bother me any. I can't control you.

So I'm not gonna try. I'm just gonna live and love life. Well, if I can do anything for any of y'all, reach out.

Let me know. Here to serve. I'm here to serve.

Thank you for tuning in to life with Justin. Stephen, if you would like to be a part of the change that I believe we need in society, I invite you to like and comment on this. Share it with those that you think would benefit, and together, we can take care of each other in a new and better way.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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