The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 17, 2024 -Investing in Time: Embracing Community and Purpose

July 17, 2024 - Investing in Time: Embracing Community and Purpose

July 17, 202421 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

The Essence of Time

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. It is the one thing that you can never redo. Time is what ties us together. That's what life is about. How are you investing your time?

Together, we can be the difference we need in our society. Together, we can take care of each other in a new and better way. We can help each other get the results that we want. We are in this together, and that's what life is.

Teamwork and Taxes

Good morning. It is a wonderful day to be alive. We fight for our flag each and every day. That's why I go to work, to pay taxes. Someone's gotta do it. Might as well be me. And you can help me.

When people like, comment, follow, and engage with my content, all of that helps me pay more taxes. That is the entire goal. I want to consolidate the taxes we pay into one asset and then share that asset with the people who help us be successful over time. This is part of the forty-year strategy we're executing under.

The Beauty of Society

Right now, I work full-time at Secure Pacific doing security service systems. As we travel through time, we're all part of the same team. I don't know about you, but I love driving on roads. You know who paved it? Not this guy. And that's one of the beauties of life. It's one of the beauties of being a part of a society.

Even if your role is doing construction, paving roads, you don't pave all the roads you use. You're part of a team. To me, that's the beauty of America. We're all on the same team regardless of who we are, where we are, or how we operate. This car right in front of me, they're on my team. They're driving around, buying gas, paying taxes, eating, and paying taxes. Everyone is part of the team.

The American Spirit

I believe America lives in our hearts. It lives in the heart of every person who flies that flag. It lives in the heart of every person who self-identifies as an American, whether they live in America or not. To me, being American is not about geography. It's not about living in the United States of America. Being an American is about how you think and process life.

It's how you support each other, embrace each other, and give back to each other. It's all with the understanding that I am a free person. I have inalienable rights from God to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And so does everyone else. It's my job to fight for all of our rights, not just my rights.

The Power of Choice

Everything in life is your choice. One thing I try to encourage people to do is never, under any circumstance, give up ownership of the choices you make. Never, under any circumstance, give up ownership of your decisions. No one can or will ever make me do anything. I only do things I choose to do. Anyone can ask me to do anything, but it's a request, not an order.

We can show up however we want. We can respond however we want. We can defend ourselves and each other however we want. It is our choice, and no one will ever take it from us. That's what America is. It is complete freedom of time, freedom of thought. And it's a beautiful thing.

A Full Day Ahead

I'm excited. Today's gonna be a great day. I'm headed into Secure Pacific. We've got training this morning. I've got a networking lunch at noon. I've got a counseling appointment and another networking event at four. I'm gonna be out and about, chatting with people, seeing who has security issues that we can help solve because we're all in this together.

There is no right. There is no wrong. There just is. Time just moves, and there's a million ways to accomplish anything. What it comes down to is what are you willing to do and how long are you willing to do it?

Weekly Updates and Long-term Vision

I've got a weekly update that I've been doing for myself for a long time, for years. This year, I started publishing it on X. That weekly update is what I am willing to do for the rest of my life. The goal is to do it for the next hundred years. I will have to get to the point where someone else picks up the torch once I pass on. And I don't know who that will be. And that's okay because I've not passed on yet.

If I pass on today, so be it. That is what God's plan has been. Life's a journey. It's an adventure, and I'd have it no other way. If I can do anything to help or support you guys, reach out. Let me know. We're in this together every day in every way. We survive and thrive as a team. And I think that's something our society has forgotten, that it is the team that makes this work. It's not the individual. It's not any one person. It's every person.

The Irrelevance of Daily Actions

In the grand scheme of things, what I do on a day-to-day basis is completely irrelevant. Expand the time horizon a year. Last year on July seventeenth, what were you doing? Can you remember? Maybe if it was some vacation or something you do. But if it was a normal workday, nine times out of ten, no one remembers.

Expand the time horizon ten years. Ten years ago on July seventeenth, that would be twenty fourteen. What were you doing? Who knows? I have no idea. I was working at Sandler. That's about as much as I remember. I was working at Sandler. I was married to Emily. Our firstborn, Scarlet, was just over a year old. That's the extent of what I remember ten years ago on this day.

Thinking Long-term

Whether I had money, whether I was broke, makes no difference. The time's passed. That's why I think if you want to be truly successful in life, you need to operate on a very long time horizon. You need to be very clear on the life you want to live and the outcome you want to help create. Not the outcome you will create, but the outcome you will help create because that outcome is dictated by how many people you can enlist to help you create the outcome.

Life is a team sport and a single-player game. It always has been and always will be. Even Neuralink can't read someone else's mind. Once it's installed, you can't go back and relive their past history. To me, that is the power of life. That is the power of time. It's the true value of time. And that's my goal, to capture the true value of time so that all of us can chase our dreams together as a team rather than as individuals.

Expanding the Time Horizon

Remember, life's a team sport. It's a single-player game. We're all trying to come up with our own accomplishments, our own outcomes, all of that. But we're all doing it together. So how do we expand the time horizon? How do we think in terms of decades and not in terms of days? Once you can figure that out, your life will change. I promise you.

Patience is the most important. Have a dream. Chase your dream and be patient. You will be so happy if you decide to live life that way. I believe. I'm happy, and I live life that way. But maybe that's just because I'm a weird anomaly, and I'm just happy-go-lucky Justin, which could be very true because I am happy-go-lucky Justin.

Networking and Opportunities

Anyways, I am at work at Secure Pacific. I'm gonna go in and rock the day. Hope you rock your day. So I am going to, Nathan Barry runs ConvertKit, and they are doing an open house for their new podcasting studio. I wanted to go say hi and see it and support him. It's been a long time since I've seen him.

This is the podcasting studio that they have available for recording multi-track audio. All the video goes into here. It records on the solid-state drives. You can bring your own drive or use one of ours. If you want to record right now, I hit record there. Nathan. Podcast interview, and I'm like, well, you know, I can.

Exploring the Podcast Studio

This studio is amazing. It's pretty fun. So yeah. And, then you just grab the drive, sit out there, copy it over. There's a second drive in here for the person. You have to pull the list check because otherwise, one person's cost, and then everybody hears it. This is so impressive. There are three studios that are available.

If you're recording your course on YouTube, your guest on someone else's podcast through Riverside, or using the teleprompter or Zoom, this plugs the teleprompter. This will record it into the solid-state drive or plug it into your computer if you're using it. You could use Restream with this. If you sit down on that shot, that's what it looks like. Holy guacamole, Nathan. This is unbelievable. It's all part of ConvertKit and everything you do.

Excitement and Future Plans

Good evening, everybody. I hope you've had a great day. I have had a fantastic day. Networking went great. Just left another networking event with Nathan Barry from ConvertKit. Their new podcast studio is unbelievable. It is so cool. I'm very excited to start recording some episodes down there of the National Tax Strategy program. I think that would be a boatload of fun. I should take my dad down there. We're gonna go with no. Maybe someday.

Anyways, it was a ton of fun, connected with a lot of very cool people, and yeah, just moving forward through life. I think I'm most excited about the opportunity to use the studio. The quality of the cameras was so good. It looked so unbelievably good. I'm gonna make it happen.

Final Thoughts

I'm gonna do a practice. I'm gonna be the client, and Matt is gonna walk me through the security assessment, and we're gonna use my house as an example, which I'm super excited about. That's my quick update. I hope you all are doing fantastic. I hope you're having a great day and a wonderful year. If I can be of any help or support, reach out and let me know. We are all in this together, and don't you ever forget it.

Thank you for tuning in to Life with Justice here. If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe in society, I invite you to like and comment on this blog. Share it with those that you think would benefit. Together, we can make a difference.

Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo.

Time is what ties us together. That's what this show is about. That's what life is about.

How are you investing your time? Together we can be the difference we need in our society. Together, we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together.

And that's what this show. Good morning. Good morning.

Good morning. It is a wonderful day to be alive. There's our flag, guys.

We got you. That's what we fight for each and every day. That's why I go to work, to pay taxes, because someone's got to do it.

Might as well be me, and you can help me. So when people, like, comment, follow, do all those things, my content, all of that helps me pay more taxes. And that is the entire goal.

I want to consolidate the taxes we pay into one asset and then share that asset with the people that help us be successful over time. So that's part of the 40 year strategy we're executing under right now. Full time.

I work at service or secure Pacific, doing security service systems, which is super cool. And so, as we travel through time, we're all part of the same team. I don't know about you, but I love driving on roads.

Check out this paved road. You know who paved it? Not this guy. And that's one of the beauties of life.

It's one of the beauties of being a part of a society is you don't have to pave your own road, even if your role is doing construction, paving roads. You don't pave all the roads you use. You're part of a team.

And to me, that's the beauty of America. We're all on the same team, regardless of who we are, regardless of where we are, regardless of how we operate this car. Right in front of me, they're on my team.

They're driving around, means they're paying. They ain't buying gas, means they're paying taxes. They're eating, means they're paying taxes.

That truck, they pay taxes. Car. Like everyone, we're all on the same team.

I think it's funny how easy it is to forget that. And so my goal is just to be a good teammate for the biggest team in the world, which is. Well, it's not America.

America's not even close to the biggest country in the world, but it's the team I want to be a part of. And I think it's the best team in the world to be a part of. And I'm very honored to be a part of that team.

And I hope no one can ever kick me out of that team. I don't believe it's even possible to kick someone off team America, because at the end of the day, I believe America lives in our hearts. It lives in the heart of every person who flies that flag.

It lives in the heart of every person who self identifies as an American, whether they live in America or not. To me, being american is not about geography. It's not about living in the United States of America.

To me, being an American is about how you think and process life. It's how you support each other, it's how you embrace each other, it's how you give back to each other. And it's all with the understanding that I am a free person.

I have inalienable rights, inalienable rights from God to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and so does everyone else. And it's my job to fight for all of our rights, not just my rights. That's how I look at life.

That's why I do the things I do is because we have the right to do it. We have, in my opinion, the moral obligation to do. It's our choice.

Everything in life is your choice. And one thing I try to encourage people to do is never, under any circumstance, give up ownership of the choices you make. Never, under any circumstance, give up ownership of your decisions.

No one can or will ever make me do anything. I only do things I choose to do. Anyone can ask me to do anything, but it's a request, it's not an order.

No matter what. No matter what. And I think that's the beauty in life, is that we can show up however we want, we can respond however we want, we can defend ourselves and each other however we want.

It is our choice, and no one will ever take it from us. And so that's, I believe that's what America is. I believe it is complete freedom of time, freedom of thought.

And it's a beautiful thing. It really, truly is. I'm excited.

Today is going to be a great day. I'm headed into secure Pacific. We've got training this morning.

I've got a networking lunch at noon. I've got a counseling appointment, and I've got another networking event at four. And so I'm going to be out and about, chatting with people, seeing who has security issues that we can help solve, because we're all in this together.

There is no right. There is no wrong. There just is.

Time just moves, and there's a million ways to accomplish anything. What it comes down to is, what are you willing to do? And how long are you willing to do it? I got a weekly update that I've been doing for myself for a long time. For years.

This year, I started publishing it on X. And that weekly update is what I am willing to do for the rest of my life. The goal is to do it for the next hundred years.

And I will have to get to the point where someone else picks up the torch once I pass on. And I don't know who that will be. And that's okay, because I've not passed on yet.

And if I pass on today, so be it. That is what God's plan has been. So life's a journey.

It's an adventure. And I'd have it no other way. No other way.

If I can do anything to help her support you guys, reach out, let me know. We're in this together every day, in every way. We survive and thrive as a team.

And I think that's something our society has forgotten, that it is the team that makes this work. It's not the individual. It's not any one person.

It's every person. In the grand scheme of things, what I do on a day to day basis is completely irrelevant. What you do on a day to day basis is completely irrelevant.

Span the horizon. Time horizon? A year. Last year, on September.

July. Not September. July 17.

What were you doing? Can you remember? I mean, maybe if it was some vacation or something you do, but if it was a normal work day, nine times out of ten, no one remembers. Expand the time horizon. Ten years.

Ten years ago on July 17. That would be 2014. July 17, 2014.

What were you doing? Who knows? I have no idea. I was working at Sandler. That's about as much as I remember.

I was working at Sandler. I was married to Emily. July.

She was pregnant. Our firstborn, Scarlet Washington. I'm just over a year old.

That's the extent of what I remember. Ten years ago on this day. Whether I had money, whether I was broke, makes no difference.

The times passed. And so that's why I think if you want to be truly successful in life, you need to operate on a very long time horizon. You need to be very clear on the life you want to live and the outcome you want to help create.

Not the outcome you will create, the outcome you will help create, because that outcome is dictated by how many people you can enlist to help you create the outcome. Life is a team sport and a single player game. It always has been and always will be.

Even neuralink, it can't. You can't read someone else's mind. And once it's installed, you can't go back and relive their past history.

And to me, that's. That is the power of life. That is the power of time.

It's the true value of time. And that's a. That's my goal, to capture the true value of time so that all of us can chase our dreams together as a team rather than as individuals.

Remember, it's a team sport. Life's a team sport, single player game. We're all trying to come up with our own accomplishments, our own outcomes, all of that, but we're all doing it together.

So how do we expand the time horizon? How do we think in terms of decades and not in terms of days? Once you can figure that out, your life will change. I promise you. Patience is the most important skill in life.

Just be patient. Have a dream. Chase your dream and be patient.

You will be so happy if you decide to live life that way. I believe I'm happy, and I live life that way. But maybe that's just because I'm a weird anomaly and I'm just happy go lucky Justin, which could be very true, because I am happy go lucky Justin.

Anyways, I am at work Sonatrol and secure Pacific. I'm gonna go in and rock the day. Hope you rock your day.

So I am going to Nathan Barry runs convert kit, and they are doing a open house for their new podcasting studio. And so I wanted to go say hi and see it and support him, and it's been a long time since I've seen him. So it's here in suite 101, which I think is down here.

Maybe 102 went the wrong way. It. Oh, you're great.

Thank you. So this is the podcasting studio? Yeah. Very competitive, pretty self explanatory.

Excellent. Available to be booked out for whoever. So.

So basically, what you do is you come in on the wall right there, hit those three buttons, it kicks on all the lights and cameras. And then here, it's just recording multi track audio. And then all the video goes into here.

It records on these solid state drives. Okay. So you can bring your own drive or use one of ours.

So we want to record right now. I hit record there and then, because I need multi track audio, I gotta hit record on this, too. The other ones where you only need single track audio, it's fine.

But then if you want to sit down, like, we've got a preview of all the chocolate there. So as I'm asking questions or whatever else. Right, Nathan, podcast interview.

And I'm like, oh, shoot, we're running. Well, you know, I can without having to look at my. Dude, this is amazing.

Don't touch it. Grab the drive in here for the first time. And these, you have to pull the SD card.

Okay. Yeah. Because otherwise, you know, one person coughs, everybody hears it.

Yeah, I got you, dude, this is so impressive. Okay. Okay.

Squeeze by. I'll show you this. Use us resources.

This one of the one down from it. Say you're recording your course for YouTube. Yeah.

Your guest on someone else's podcast. Throw a riverside up here on the teleprompter, or zoom. Okay.

And then this plugs in the teleprompter, and then this will record into the. Or plug it into your computer if you're using it. Okay.

So could you use restream with this? Yeah. Yeah. So, like, if you sit down on that shot.

So you look right over here. Oh, man. That's what it looks like.

Holy guacamole, Nathan. Dang. And it's all.

It's all part of Convertkit and everything you do. This is unbelievable. Okay.

Just different background, like, totally different vibe. Yeah. Oh, my goodness.

Dude, you've got to be so proud, dude. It's pretty great. This is awesome.

Good evening, everybody. I hope you've had a great day. I have had a fantastic day.

Networking went great. Just left another day networking event with Nathan Barry from Convertkit, their new podcast studio, is unbelievable. It is so cool.

I'm very excited to go down and start recording some episodes down there of the national tax strategy program. I think that would be a boatload of fun, so. And, oh, I should take my dad down there and be like, this is wonderful.

No, he's probably not. We're gonna go with no, maybe someday. But anyways, it was a ton of fun, connected with a lot of very cool people, and, yeah.

Just moving forward through life and, yeah, I think I'm most excited just about the opportunity to go use the studio. The quality of the cameras was so good. It looked so unbelievably good.

So we can make it. Make it happen. Anyways, that was my day.

Tomorrow we've got some strategic partner calls, some sales calls. I'm gonna do a practice. I'm gonna be the client, and Matt is gonna walk me through the security assessment, and we're going to use my house as an example, which I'm super excited about, and we'll go from there.

So that's my quick update. I hope you all are doing fantastic. I hope you're having a great day and a wonderful year.

And if I can be of any helper support, reach out and let me know. We are all in this together. Don't you ever forget it.

Thank you for tuning in to life with Justin Keating. If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe in society, I invite you to like and comment on this video. Share it with those that you think would benefit, and together we can take care of each other in a newer and better way.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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