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August 25, 2024 - Discover the Joy in Community and Growth

August 25, 2024 - Discover the Joy in Community and Growth

August 25, 202411 min read

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Journey Through Time: Embracing Joy and Community

Life is a beautiful blessing, filled with its share of challenges and triumphs. In our journey, it’s essential to acknowledge both the joy and the pain we encounter. On August 25, 2024, a heartfelt reflection emerged that captures the essence of this journey, highlighting the importance of community and personal growth. This blog post delves into the key themes discussed, offering insights and encouragement for anyone navigating their own path.

The Promise of Joy

One of the most powerful messages conveyed is the assurance that joy will come again, regardless of the circumstances we face. The devotional titled “Joy will come again” reminds us that even in our darkest moments, we are not alone. This message resonates deeply, as it emphasizes the importance of faith and trust in a higher power.

When life feels overwhelming, it’s vital to remember that we can find refuge in our beliefs. The assurance that we are loved and supported allows us to heal and regain our strength. The invitation to open our hearts and receive healing is a call to action—encouraging individuals to seek joy actively, even when it seems elusive.

Life’s Journey Together

Life is often described as a journey, and this journey is best experienced together. The message stresses the importance of supporting one another and recognizing that we are all in this together. The emphasis on community reflects a commitment to creating positive change and uplifting those around us.

As we navigate our personal challenges, it’s essential to remember that we can contribute to the well-being of others. By sharing our experiences—both the wins and the failures—we create a space for growth and connection. This sense of community fosters resilience and encourages us to keep moving forward.

Blog Updates and Community Engagement

In the spirit of community, updates on personal projects and blogs serve as a reminder of the continuous journey of growth and improvement. Recent changes to a blog reflect a commitment to engaging with audiences more effectively. The updates include a streamlined design, making it easier for readers to navigate and access valuable content.

A new category, “Good Business, Great Causes,” has been introduced, focusing on promoting businesses and initiatives that contribute positively to society. The inclusion of interviews, such as one with the Salvation Army, highlights the importance of collaboration and community service.

Weekly Reflections and Progress

Weekly updates provide a snapshot of progress and personal reflections. These updates serve as a way to document growth and maintain transparency with the audience. By sharing insights into the journey, readers can connect on a deeper level, understanding the challenges and victories that come with pursuing a dream.

For instance, the recent update discussed the integration of personal branding with a broader mission. By combining efforts, there’s a greater potential for impact, showcasing the importance of unity in pursuing common goals.

Gratitude for Support

Gratitude plays a significant role in this journey. Acknowledging the support received from employers and community members fosters a sense of connection and appreciation. This recognition not only strengthens relationships but also motivates continued efforts toward positive change.

The journey is not solely about personal achievements; it’s about uplifting others and creating a ripple effect of kindness and support. By expressing gratitude, we cultivate an environment where everyone feels valued and inspired to contribute.

Invitation to Join the Journey

The journey is ongoing, and there’s always room for more individuals to join in. The invitation to subscribe and engage with the content reflects a desire to build a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference. Whether through following updates, engaging with the blog, or participating in discussions, every contribution matters.

As we continue to navigate life’s complexities, let’s remember the promise that joy will come again. Embracing this mindset allows us to approach each day with optimism and purpose. Together, we can create a supportive environment where everyone feels encouraged to pursue their dreams and contribute to the greater good.

Conclusion: A Shared Responsibility

Ultimately, life is a shared responsibility. We are all part of a larger tapestry, woven together through our experiences, struggles, and triumphs. By embracing the message of joy and community, we can foster a culture of support and understanding.

As we move forward, let’s commit to lifting each other up and celebrating the small victories along the way. Together, we can make meaningful changes in our lives and the lives of those around us. Remember, joy will come again, and it’s waiting for us to embrace it.


Daily Podcast:



Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is August 25, 2024. It is a beautiful Sunday morning, and for our devotional today. Gotta turn the page.

Joy will come again. I love the title already. I am the God of the broken hearted.

When the pain of life beats you up, I am your safe refuge. Hide yourself in me. Come away and rest in me.

I am your healer and I am kind. I am merciful and I am good. I love you and I know how to heal your tender heart.

Don't doubt, beloved. Believe in my healing love. Believe in my mercy.

Believe in my mighty power. Believe that I am worth a trusting. I am the king of glory.

I am bigger and more magnificent than you can possibly imagine. Even when you fall or disappoint yourself, I am with you. Rest in my finished work.

Open your heart to me. Will you? Will you let me flood you with healing and peace? Once again I lift you up and resuscitate your faith. I will lift you up and resuscitate your faith.

It's okay to go through seasons of grief and weariness. But after I've strengthened you, take my hand and walk with me back into joy. I will not neglect you.

Joy will come again. This is my promise to you. Do it again.

Those yeah has set free will return to Zion and come celebrating with songs of joy. They will be crowned with never ending joy. Gladness and joy will overwhelm them.

Despair and depression will disappear. Isaiah 50 111. That is such a powerful message.

Joy will come again. No matter what stage in life you're at, no matter what's going on, going on in your day to day experience, joy will come again. And it will come again because you choose it and because he chooses it for you.

Life is a beautiful blessing. It's a challenge, but it's still a beautiful blessing. And that joy will come again.

It never truly leaves. I believe it may be overcome by other emotions, but joy is there. It's there if you choose to.

To grab it, if you choose to search for it, if you choose to let him fill you with it. Joy will always be there for you. I know it will always be there for me.

So that's our daily devotional. I love it. Joy will come again.

You guys keep your head up, put a smile on your face and go tackle the day, because joy will come again. Life is a journey, and we are all in it together. On this journey, our goal is to support and protect as many people as we can.

If you believe we can be the change that we need in society, I invite you to follow the life with Justin Stephens as we live life to do that change. Good afternoon, everybody. So I just wanted to do an update.

My mom and I have been working on the blog. She gave me a ton of amazing feedback and advice. And so these are some of the changes.

So, as you can see here at the top, I changed up how the heading looks, the header for the entire website. So first we have our different tabs that you can dive into. Then we've got my main logo from zero to hero, which, if you click on it, links you to my x profile.

And x is where I try and spend most of my time online. I really appreciate everything Elon Musk has done for the freedom of speech. So we updated that, took out a lot of the fluff and tried to make it a lot more streamlined.

And then I was working on good business, great causes. So this is a new category I'm launching of my blog, which is all about businesses and causes that we want to promote and we want to help. So I did an interview with the Salvation army.

So if you click into it now, you can watch that interview. It's about 25 minutes long. And it's me literally walking through the Salvation army, walking through, getting a tour of everything they do.

And then I sit down with Lindsey at the end of. And we really talk through, how can we help? How can we be a part of what they're doing? And then using AI, we've got the whole blog that's written by it, and Lindsey's contact information for people who want to get involved. And so we got that all put together today, which I was very excited about.

And then let's go to. So every week, if you go to my profile and go to articles, I do a weekly board update. So this is week 33.

The information was compiled on August 23, but I made the post on the 25th. And then what I do is I just look at it like a letter to myself. So this is where everything is at this moment in time.

And here's a great example. So this is what my blog looked like this morning. You can see we've got the two different layouts.

We've got these big buttons. We've got my personal brand logo there. And then the tabs of my website up on the right.

And after the changes, this is what it looks like. We've got the tabs at the top, my personal. So I've combined my personal brand with America's holding company into this one, one logo.

And then we have just the two buttons to subscribe. And then to download the emergency contact template. So I think that update was awesome.

I think it will be very helpful. Next week's looking great. We're going to be focused on secure Pacific.

I've got a number of good meetings that I can't wait for. Social media post activity we are over 22,000 followers across all our platforms now, which is very exciting. I've been talking to people about what the blog does and ownership and all that, but I've not been trying to sell it.

If someone wants to sign up, I'd be happy to have them, but that is totally their call. The product of everything we're doing of the blog is rocking and rolling. That's what you're looking at right now through this video.

I'm still the chairman of the board. We've got three board teams filled. There's five board teams available, so waiting for people to dive in there.

And most of the company is currently owned by the company or by myself. So you can see the green is unissued shares, the purple is shares that have been issued. This whole system is around creating liquidity for our shareholders, so that's one of the reasons I do this weekly.

If any shareholder does need to sell their shares, we have $117 in the bank at this exact moment in time, which means we can buy 117 shares for $1. So if you'd like to do that, reach out. Let me know.

We have no new subscribers yet, but over time we will get this boat floating. A huge thank you to secure Pacific. They are my employer.

They have empowered me to go out and chase this dream, make this change using my blog while working full time for them. So I am incredibly appreciative and love being part of the team. Looking forward to being part of the team for many years to come and then that is the update.

So every week I update this just to go over what's happening, what's going on in our world, in my world, and if anybody wants to be involved, go to justindcstevens.com and subscribe. Once you subscribe, I would say first start by just getting on our email list.

Follow along what I do. Eventually you may want ownership. If you do that, come down to the bottom left and that's where you can hit.

Subscribe to become a sponsor or reach out and ask questions. I am happy to help. Anyways, that is my update for today.

I hope you guys have a great day and we will be in touch soon. Thanks for watching today's journal entry. The best way to support my work is by following, liking and sharing the content I create on a regular basis.

I appreciate you being on this journey through time with me and have a wonderful day.

JournalMaintenanceSonitrolSecure Pacific
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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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Camera Glasses

These glasses are amazing.

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Video to Blog AI Software

I believe that the advantage humans have over software is that we can create new things.

Once you have created something though, software can and should help you process it as quickly as possible if you are looking to shorting the distance between time recorded and time produced.

I have been using this software to create the blogs that I do on a regular basis.

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Live Streaming Platform

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Car Laptop Stand

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I would highly recommend a car stand for anyone who works on the road regularly so that you have an 'office' that travels with you!

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