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September 5, 2024 - Finding Freedom in Stillness: Insights from Justin Stephens

September 5, 2024 - Finding Freedom in Stillness: Insights from Justin Stephens

September 04, 20247 min read

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Life with Justin Stephens: Embracing the Freedom of Being

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves caught in a cycle of doing rather than being. The journey of Life with Justin Stephens reflects a deep understanding of this struggle. On September 5, 2024, Justin shares his insights on the importance of stillness and self-acceptance, encouraging all of us to embrace our true identities beyond our daily tasks.

The Essence of Stillness

Justin begins his reflection with a devotional that emphasizes the importance of being present. He highlights the idea that we do not always need to be engaged in activity to find fulfillment. Instead, we can find peace in simply existing. This message resonates with many who feel pressured to constantly achieve and produce.

“Enjoy the freedom of being with me,” the devotional states. This phrase captures the essence of what it means to pause and appreciate the moment. In a world that often equates worth with productivity, Justin reminds us that our value is inherent in who we are, not just what we do.

Finding Peace in Presence

Justin’s journey has been transformative. He acknowledges that he is a “doer” by nature, often feeling the urge to constantly push forward. However, he has discovered that embracing stillness has led to greater success in his life. By allowing himself to simply be, he has opened the door to deeper connections with himself and others.

This shift from doing to being is a powerful lesson for anyone feeling overwhelmed. Justin encourages us to take time to enjoy our own presence. This idea is beautifully articulated in the devotional, which reminds us that existing in the reality of love and enjoying our true selves is more important than any religious duty or societal expectation.

Identity Beyond Action

The devotional challenges us to reflect on our identities. Who are we at our core? Justin emphasizes that our lives should not be summed up by our accomplishments but rather by our essence. He shares his realization that once he embraced his identity, he naturally flowed into the actions that align with his true self.

This perspective shift is crucial. Instead of seeking validation through tasks and achievements, we should focus on understanding and accepting who we are. Justin’s journey as a father exemplifies this. He recognizes that being a great father is not defined by a checklist of tasks but by the love and presence he offers his children.

The Struggle of Acceptance

Despite his insights, Justin acknowledges the ongoing struggle with the desire to do more. He expresses that he often feels behind and not accomplished enough. This sentiment is relatable to many who grapple with societal pressures and personal expectations.

However, through his reflections, he highlights an essential truth: “I am enough.” This affirmation is vital for anyone battling feelings of inadequacy. Justin’s journey teaches us that recognizing our worth is a significant step toward inner peace.

Encouragement to Embrace Being

In closing, Justin encourages his audience to embrace their being. He challenges us to consider how we can move from a mindset of doing to one of simply being. This transition may not be easy, but it is undoubtedly rewarding.

As he prepares to go about his day, Justin leaves us with a powerful call to action: “How can you embrace the being who you are?” This question invites reflection and encourages us to prioritize our true selves over societal expectations.

FAQ Section

What does it mean to embrace stillness?

Embracing stillness means taking time to pause and be present without the pressure to accomplish tasks. It involves finding peace in the moment and appreciating your own existence.

How can I shift from doing to being?

To shift from doing to being, start by allowing yourself moments of quiet reflection. Focus on your thoughts and feelings without distractions. Practice mindfulness and self-acceptance to connect with your true self.

Why is identity important in our lives?

Your identity shapes your actions and how you interact with the world. Understanding who you are at your core helps you align your actions with your values and leads to a more fulfilling life.

How can I practice self-acceptance?

Self-acceptance can be practiced by acknowledging your worth beyond achievements. Affirm positive aspects of yourself, engage in self-care, and surround yourself with supportive people.

Life with Justin Stephens serves as a reminder that the journey of self-discovery is ongoing and that embracing who we are is the key to true fulfillment. As we navigate our paths, let us remember to pause, reflect, and cherish the essence of our being.

Daily Podcast:



Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is September 5, 2024. Time marches right along. Let's dive into our devotional today.

Today the devotional is enjoy the freedom of being with me. I like the title learn to be with me in stillness without worrying about what you should do. Take time to enjoy my presence and to be refreshed in the depths of your being.

I don't always need you to do something. It's okay to simply be with me and rest. Quiet yourself and find me as your source of peace.

Feel the waves of my love washing over your soul and reviving you. Existing in the reality of my love and enjoying me is more important than any religious duty. The same is true of your identity.

Who are you in this life isn't summed up by what you do, but by who you are, who you are, who you truly are in the depths of your being. Out of life, out of the life flow of my spirit within you. I'm less concerned about you discovering what I'd have you do than about who I've called you to be.

Once you embrace the essence of your identity in me, you will naturally flow into the things I want you to do. Enjoy the freedom to be. Embrace the simplicity of childlikeness as you find yourself in me.

Lord, you are a paradise of protection to me you lift me high through the fray none of my foes can touch me when I'm held firmly in your wraparound presence keep me in this glory let me live continually under your splendid splendor shadow hiding my life in you forever psalm 61 three through four. That really speaks to me because I am a doer. I find it really hard not to be doing something, working on something, pushing in some direction.

But I've found the most success this year. I feel like has been incredibly successful on in my journey because I've stopped trying to do anything, and I'm just embracing what comes day by day by day. I'm embracing being an example.

Instead of trying to show people that I am an example, I just do what I believe I need to do to be that example. And so it's all about being myself, it's all about being present, and it's all about being there when I feel like that's where I need to be, wherever that happens to be. So I want to encourage you guys to stop being doers and start being humans.

It's incredibly difficult. I still struggle with it daily. Trust me, I'm all I always feel behind.

I always feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm not accomplishing enough, but in reality, I am enough. I'm already enough.

I've already accomplished a ton. I've already achieved my lifelong goal of being a father. And personally, I think I'm a great father.

And that is incredibly important to me. It is up to me to just be. I need to stop doing so much and start embracing the being that I am.

So that's what I want to encourage you to do today. How can you embrace the being who you are? Because it's hard, but it's worth it. With that said, I'm gonna go get to work.

I hope you guys have a great day, and we'll talk to you all soon.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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Camera Glasses

These glasses are amazing.

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These glasses are the most important tool to my entire strategy. I would highly recommend getting some for yourself to capture your adventure.

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GoHighLevel is an amazing tool for smaller businesses that are growing.

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Video to Blog AI Software

I believe that the advantage humans have over software is that we can create new things.

Once you have created something though, software can and should help you process it as quickly as possible if you are looking to shorting the distance between time recorded and time produced.

I have been using this software to create the blogs that I do on a regular basis.

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Live Streaming Platform

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Car Laptop Stand

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I would highly recommend a car stand for anyone who works on the road regularly so that you have an 'office' that travels with you!

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