Life is a team sport and a single player game - 2025 - Week 2 Update

Journal Entry:

Life is such an adventure, and it always will be one.

One thing I have come to realize that it will always be a team sport, and you will be on many different teams.

I am on team Stephens, with my Dad and Mom, my brothers and sisters, and all our relatives.

I am on team Secure Pacific, with all the other employees of Secure Pacific.

I am on team Axiom, where I work out on a regular basis.

I am on team Uber, where I drive people around and get driven around depending on my need.

We will all be on different teams throughout life, and it is a decision which teams you are involved in and which you are not.

At the exact same time, life will always be a single player game.

No matter how close you are with your teammates, you will always have your own thoughts, your own ideas, your own connections, and your own teams.

These two concepts are not in competition with each other, but instead are part of each other.

No-one will ever know who you know, experience your experiences, have your thoughts.

It is impossible for life NOT to be a single player game.

Thats why I want to encourage you to know the game you are playing, and the teams you are on.

Know where you are trying to go, and how you want to get there, and do it with the people you want to do it with.

You will only win as a team, but the game can only be played alone.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and if I can serve you in any way, please let me know!


PS - I have a weekly update that I will include on my dreams below, this is something I have been doing personally for more than 2 years now, and it is my guiding light for how I make decisions and decide what I want to be doing and chasing.

If you ever want to became part of what I am creating, you can sign up at for the Employee Empowerment Initiative.

Justin Stephens

Life with Justin Stephens

I am on a journey to document the true value of time. I am doing that through writing my own documentary on my life on X. By subscribing, you will be seeing behind the scenes on how I believe we as a society can collapse time and take care of each other better.

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