Stocks as a store of value against the dollar - 2025 - Week 4 Update

Personal finance is a constant battle of beliefs.

Your beliefs about the future, about your ability, about other companies abilities.

Each day we make decisions based on where we think the future will go, and one of those decisions that I have made is that i believe right now stocks are a great store of value against the dollar. I think that with the inflation that has happened and the deflation that may come from it, storing your excess cash in stocks will save the value and even allow for potential growth of your funds.

How I am using this information is by purchasing ownership in the banking system that I use.

I use sofi bank for my personal finances, and when I have extra income, I invest it into OWNERSHIP of Sofi bank since it is a publicly traded company.

Their system allows me to purchase shares of the company directly from their app, and I can sell those shares back to the public market to create liquidity as I need it.

I started doing this when Sofi was trading at $8 per share back in August.

It is now hovering around $18 per share, which means the money I have stored in ownership of the bank instead of a bank account has grown by over 50% in the last 6 months.

This is one of the things I am doing to build back up my wealth and save for the future.

The beautiful thing about this is that I am storing money to purchase parts of the blog from other subscribers. This is all part of how the blog is designed to create liquidity for everyone involved in the system.

Right now, if someone who has worked with me in the past needs liquidity and wants to sell their portion of my blog back to me, I have money to make that purchase, they just need to ask.

By me purchasing the shares, they move to my personal holdings and I can use them in the future, rather than when we sell the shares back to the blog itself, it will reduce the number of shares outstanding.

Whether you use sofi or have another system for building your wealth, the important part of personal finance is to have a plan.

Be looking forward and making decisions every week to move your plan forward, no matter the speed at which the plan moves.


PS - I have a weekly update that I will include on my dreams below, this is something I have been doing personally for more than 2 years now, and it is my guiding light for how I make decisions and decide what I want to be doing and chasing.

If you ever want to became part of what I am creating, you can sign up at for the Employee Empowerment Initiative.

Justin Stephens

Life with Justin Stephens

I am on a journey to document the true value of time. I am doing that through writing my own documentary on my life on X. By subscribing, you will be seeing behind the scenes on how I believe we as a society can collapse time and take care of each other better.

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