The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 30, 2024 - Discover the Journey of Life and Growth

July 30, 2024 - Discover the Journey of Life and Growth

July 30, 202411 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

Life is an intricate journey filled with experiences, lessons, and the support of those around us. Each day presents an opportunity to rebuild and redefine our lives. By documenting our journeys and sharing our experiences, we foster a sense of community and encouragement. This article delves into the importance of support, personal growth, and the lessons learned along the way.

The Importance of Support

Support is a crucial element in our lives. It shapes our experiences and influences our ability to succeed. However, the type of support we receive may not always align with our expectations. Understanding this can be liberating.

  • Support comes in many forms.

  • Not all support meets our expectations.

  • Recognizing diverse support is essential.

  • Family may not always agree with our choices.

  • Community support can be powerful.

We often hear the phrase “pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” This notion implies that success is solely a personal endeavor. However, the truth is that we are never truly alone. Every step we take is facilitated by the contributions of others, whether visible or not. Roads, buildings, and systems are all the result of collective effort.

Every Day is a Fresh Start

Each day offers a blank canvas. No matter the challenges faced, tomorrow brings a chance to start anew. This perspective is vital for personal growth and resilience.

  • Embrace each day as a new beginning.

  • Learn from past experiences.

  • Utilize connections made along the way.

  • Recognize growth beyond setbacks.

  • Life’s journey is a collective experience.

Every experience contributes to who we become. Even if we must start over, we do so with the wealth of knowledge and relationships we’ve built. This understanding can shift our mindset from despair to hope.

Finding Joy in the Journey

Life is not solely about reaching goals; it’s also about enjoying the journey. Finding joy in the little moments can significantly enhance our overall experience.

  • Celebrate small victories.

  • Engage in activities that bring happiness.

  • Connect with others during experiences.

  • Plan enjoyable events to look forward to.

  • Share experiences with friends and family.

Planning enjoyable activities can help maintain enthusiasm for life. Whether it’s a cruise or exploring historical sites, these events provide excitement and a sense of purpose.

Understanding Challenges

Challenges are an inevitable part of life. They can arise from various sources, including personal circumstances and external factors. Acknowledging these challenges is the first step toward overcoming them.

  • Challenges can lead to personal growth.

  • Financial stability is a common concern.

  • Support systems can alleviate burdens.

  • Recognizing struggles fosters empathy.

  • Sharing experiences can inspire others.

Many people face financial challenges that require them to reassess their living situations. Moving in with family for support can be a practical solution. It’s essential to understand that seeking help is not a sign of failure but rather a strategic move toward stability.

Celebrating Wins and Learning from Failures

In life, we experience both victories and failures. Each has its place in our journey and contributes to our development.

  • Celebrate your successes, big or small.

  • Learn valuable lessons from failures.

  • Share your experiences with others.

  • Encourage others through your journey.

  • Recognize that setbacks are part of growth.

Sharing both wins and losses fosters a sense of community and support. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and successes. This openness can inspire others to share their stories and foster a supportive environment.

The Power of Integrity and Sincerity

True service comes from sincerity and integrity. These qualities cannot be bought or measured but are essential in building trust and connection.

  • Act with sincerity in interactions.

  • Build relationships based on integrity.

  • Encourage others to do the same.

  • Foster a culture of honesty.

  • Recognize the impact of genuine service.

In all endeavors, prioritize honesty and integrity. These values create a strong foundation for meaningful relationships and a supportive community.

Looking Ahead

As we navigate life, it’s crucial to look ahead with hope and excitement. Planning for the future can provide motivation and direction.

  • Set personal and professional goals.

  • Envision the life you want to create.

  • Stay adaptable to change.

  • Seek opportunities for growth.

  • Remain open to new experiences.

By envisioning our future, we can take actionable steps towards achieving our dreams. This proactive approach helps maintain focus and motivation, even in challenging times.

Engaging with the Community

Community engagement is vital for personal and societal growth. Sharing experiences and lessons learned can inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive change.

  • Participate in community events.

  • Share your journey on social platforms.

  • Encourage others to share their stories.

  • Support local initiatives and businesses.

  • Foster connections within the community.

Engaging with others not only enriches our lives but also strengthens the fabric of our communities. By sharing our journeys, we can inspire collective growth and change.


Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, support and challenges. By embracing each experience, we can grow and learn, ultimately becoming better versions of ourselves. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Together, we can create a supportive community that fosters growth, understanding, and positive change.

As we continue on our paths, let’s commit to sharing our experiences, supporting one another, and celebrating the journey of life together. Embrace the adventure, and remember that every day is a fresh start.

Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Life is a journey, and we are all in it together. On this journey, our goal is to support and protect as many people as we can. If you believe we can be the change that we need in society, I invite you to follow the life with Justin Stephenso as we live life to do that change, I'm ready to rock.

Got my setup. So this is the work bag they gave me for here at secure Pacific. I love it.

It's got a surface. It's the equipment they use which way more portable. And really, the main thing I need is access to the Internet, which makes it perfect.

So you need to look into a surface if you have, but they're freaking awesome. Anyways, I am off to the car, off to work, and today we're working with Tara doing customer. Customer success.

I forget her title. Oh, well. But we're doing customer success.

We're gonna go visit clients and who knows what. So let's go. Good morning.

Good morning. Good morning. We are on the road again.

We're headed up to the corporate office for secure Pacific, and it's gonna be a great day. I'm really excited for everything that everything we have going on right now. I've been working on.

Last night, I spent a lot of time looking at and working on my budget and figuring out how and where my money is going to flow from and to how we're going to be really building this, rebuilding my life, which is exciting. I look at every day as a freshen start on the future you want to create. So no matter what happens today, you get a fresh start tomorrow.

And if you have to start over from scratch, so be it. If you start over from wherever you're at, that's great. But either way, you're starting over with all the experience you've ever had in your life, with all the connections you've ever made, with all the work you've ever done, with all the things you've ever learned.

And so you're never starting from scratch. And this is another thing people, I think society gets wrong. People talk about, oh, you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps.

No, no one ever does. There is always help and support, even if it's not exactly the help and support you want. For example, I am driving on a road, and that road is paved.

And I'm really glad it's paved. And whoever paved that road is helping and supporting me in my journey simply because they paved this road. And so I think it's very important to keep in mind that we're all in this together.

No matter what happens, no one pulls themselves up by their bootstraps. We have an infinite amount of support. If you choose to look at it that way.

Now, people may not understand what you're trying to do and may not support you in the way you want supported, but they 100% support you. And that's something I've been struggling with, is there's specific ways I want to be supported within my life, but just because I want supported that way doesn't mean someone will support me in that way. And that's, I think, one of the things I struggle with with my family as a whole, and they are.

My family is so supportive of me, even though they don't necessarily agree with a lot of what I believe. And that's okay. They don't have to agree with what I believe, and I don't have to agree with what they believe, but we're still going through this world together.

So, with that, I'm getting a phone call, and I will talk to you all soon. To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money. That is, to give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money.

And that is sincerity and integrity. I love that quote. That's awesome.

In the next six months, what's something you're excited for you to do? Like, what's something. I plan on going on a cruise, because after working for 20 years, they pay you and a friend. So I'm going to Caribbean's in our accounting department.

She's the one who's getting the packets together, like, where I wanted to go. She just gives you options and stuff. Yeah.

So I think in January. So is what we're thinking at. So I'm gonna take one of my best friends with me, and we'll go to the Caribbean.

That's awesome. That's something to look forward to. That's super fun.

At the end of next year, it's not really going anywhere this year, but then we want to go to Massachusetts, Salem, like, the actual Salem for Halloween, probably in September, because October there is just ridiculous that you lose everything. It's just too busy. I'm back.

So September would be fun. And then go to all the different places, and there's all these houses and hauntings. Even in October of this year, we have a place on Fort Townsend.

I think it's Fort Townsend here. Take a ferry and stuff like that. But they have a haunted hotel that we're gonna stay at.

Oh, really? I love all that kind of stuff. I grew up watching, like, that's cool. Yeah.

So I'm like, okay, so that'll be fun. What about you? That would be a ton of fun. Um, family wise or anything.

No, right now it's mainly moving. Oh, yeah. Oh, did you guys have to move? Yeah.

So right now I'm moving in with my parents for a while to get my financial life back in order, which luckily, I'm the only person in America doing that. Oh, yeah, that's for sure. I wish I could be back soon.

I'm stable in our family, right? Yeah. I used to think I was stable. It's hard.

So is it? Did you for this job? Do you live further away? Um, no, it's just financial help. Yeah, it's mainly financial help. I've just been doing a good job of hoping things would get better at the job.

I had hope and then, like. And they did. It's so frustrating.

Yeah. Right on the century. Are we almost to the office? Look at me figuring out where I am.

I'm not throwing away my shot and I'm not throwing away my shot I'm young, scrappy and hungry and I'm not throwing away my shot throwing away my shot I am not throwing away my shot just like because I'm youngster being hungry and I'm not throwing away my shot in front of a crowd not throwing away my shot I'm not throwing away my shot being hungry and I'm not throwing away my shot away my shot not throwing away my shot just like the country, I get hungry colonies gonna rise up I imagine that so much it feels more like a beautiful melody half as many ask everybody while we live in fast and we laugh reach for a blast we have to make this moment last. That's plenty. Scratch that.

This is not a moment. It's the movement with something to prove. Like Moses claiming I'm out of land and death with no dependence tomorrow I'm not throwing away my shot.

I'm not throwing away my shot I'm young, strappy and hungry and I'm not throwing away my shot rise up. Rise up. Rise up.

Rise up. Rise up. Rise up.

Throwing away my shot. Look at that timing. That was like.

I'm literally gonna go put it on on my drive home. Thanks for watching today's journal entry. The best way to support my work is by following, liking, and sharing the content I create on a regular basis.

I appreciate you being on this journey through time with me and have a wonderful day.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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