The Life with Justin Stephens Blog

July 23, 2024 - My Reflection: Navigating Life, Community, and Time

July 23, 2024 - My Reflection: Navigating Life, Community, and Time

July 23, 202412 min read

Newsletter Sent out today:

Time is a universal constant that connects us all. It is a relentless force, moving us forward and creating a tapestry of experiences that shape our lives. In my journey, I strive to invest my time wisely, aiming to foster connections and create meaningful change in my community. This blog serves as a reflection of my daily life, my challenges, and my triumphs, as I navigate the intricacies of being a husband, a father, and a professional dedicated to security and community leadership.

The Importance of Time

Time is the one thing we cannot redo. It is precious and finite, and how we choose to spend it determines the quality of our lives. Each day presents a new opportunity to make a difference, not only in our own lives but in the lives of those around us. I believe that together, we can create a positive impact by investing our time in meaningful ways.

Here are some thoughts on how we can harness the power of time:

  • Be intentional with your time.

  • Prioritize relationships and community.

  • Seek opportunities for learning and growth.

  • Document your journey for reflection.

  • Support others in their journeys.

My Daily Life: A Glimpse into July 23, 2024

On this particular day, July 23, 2024, I started my morning with excitement. It was a glorious Tuesday, and I was headed to Secure Pacific, where I work full-time. My role involves helping people with security systems, a responsibility I take seriously. Today, I had proposals to complete and a security assessment to deliver, which is always an engaging part of my job.

As I navigated through my responsibilities, I realized the importance of communication. I had sent out an email update to my list, a commitment I aim to improve upon. Keeping in touch with those interested in my journey is essential. I currently have a small email list of sixteen people, and I welcome anyone who wants to join. This weekly update includes my journal entries and insights from my experiences.

Email Communication: Building Connections

Using ConvertKit for my email updates has been a game-changer. I admire Nathan Barry, the founder, not just for his product but also for his commitment to his employees. His approach resonates with my values, which is why I choose to support his work.

ConvertKit allows me to automate my emails seamlessly, pulling content from my blog into the updates. This efficiency enables me to focus on what truly matters—sharing my journey with others. Each email serves as a bridge, connecting me with my audience and keeping them informed about my life and mission.

Letting Go of Material Possessions

As I continue to move forward in my life, I find myself in the process of decluttering. I borrowed my parents' truck to facilitate this transition, transporting items that I no longer need. I've realized that I don't want to be tied down by possessions. Instead, I aim to embrace a minimalist lifestyle where I own very little.

Inspired by figures like Larry Fink and Charles Schwab, I have adopted the mindset of "own nothing and like it." My goal is to own nothing but my time, which I consider my most valuable asset. This philosophy empowers me to live freely and resist control from external forces.

The Challenge of Relationships

Life's journey is not without its challenges, particularly in personal relationships. My relationship with my wife, Emily, has faced its share of difficulties. I feel a disconnect, and while I cannot fully understand her feelings, I acknowledge the complexity of our situation. Despite this, I embrace the idea that life continues to move forward.

Faith as a Guiding Principle

In navigating my life's uncertainties, I have found solace in my faith in God. I've learned to relinquish the need for control, allowing life to unfold naturally. I believe that God has a purpose for me, and I aim to be a lighthouse for others, demonstrating what it means to live as a good human being.

As Elon Musk aptly stated, it’s not about the perception of goodness but the reality of it. I strive to embody goodness in my actions and interactions. Each day, I assess my success based on whether I have treated others with kindness and respect.

Defining Success

Success, for me, is not measured by conventional standards. It is about being a good human every day, impacting others positively. This personal metric guides my decisions and actions, reminding me of the importance of empathy and connection.

Evening Reflections: A Day of Accomplishments

As the day drew to a close, I reflected on my accomplishments. I sold some furniture, including couches and a TV. Rather than merely selling these items for cash, I offered potential clients a unique proposition: instead of paying for the TV, they could sign up as clients of America's Holding Company. This approach not only helped me declutter but also allowed me to expand my network.

In a single conversation, I gained my first client, which was exhilarating. This experience reinforced my belief in the power of relationships and collaboration. By sharing my vision and inviting others to join, I am building a community focused on mutual support and growth.

Preparing for Tomorrow

As I prepared dinner and wrapped up my thoughts for the day, I felt a sense of fulfillment. Each day, I strive to serve others and contribute to my community. My mission is clear: we are all in this together, and I am here to support anyone who needs it.

Conclusion: An Invitation to Join the Journey

As I continue to document my journey, I invite you to join me in this mission of creating change. Together, we can support one another and foster a sense of community that uplifts us all. If you resonate with my vision, I encourage you to engage with my content, share your thoughts, and be part of this transformative journey.

Thank you for being a part of my life’s narrative. Let’s embrace the power of time and work together to create a brighter future for ourselves and our society.

Daily Podcast:


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Time slowly moves forward over and over. Time is the one thing that unites us all. Time is the one thing that you can never redo.

Time is what ties us together. That's what this show is about. That's what life is about.

How are you investing your time? Together we can be the difference we need in our society. Together we can take care of each other in a new way, in a better way, to help each other get the results that we want out of life. We are in this together.

And that's what this show is. Good morning. Good morning.

Good morning. It is July 23, 2024. Today is a glorious Tuesday morning.

I am headed off to secure Pacific. We got some proposals to put together a secured assessment put together. So that should be fun.

Fun and exciting. And we're gonna be out on the streets again later today, which will be great. I got I sent out.

I need to get more consistent with sending out my email updates. I sent out an email update this morning, the one I put together to send out last Friday. Oops.

Oops. So I will get better at sending those out. You have my commitment.

I have 16 people on my email list. I send those to. If you would like to be on that email list, reach out, let me know.

Send me your email address and I'll throw you on. It's literally just a weekly update of all my journal entries and then the board of directors update. So it's my board update, just the intro to it, and then it is all of the journal entries I've done for the week, and that's it.

So if you would like to stay up to date with my life and what's going on as I travel through time, that is the best way to do it. You can also sign [email protected]

so I use convertkit for my emails. A couple reasons. One is primary reason is I like Nathan Barry.

I think he's a good human and I want to support him. And what he's doing, he's doing a lot for his employees, which I love people that look at how can I take care of my employees better. Another reason is he's got a great product.

It works really well. It automates with my RSS feed, which pulls all my blogs together. So I just have to copy and paste my update in the email and hit send.

I realized that this morning once I went and literally did exactly that. So that's awesome. And then another reason is he's got his podcasting studio that his clients can use in downtown Boise for free.

So I need to go down, do a podcast down there. And, yeah, it would be fun. It'll be a lot of fun.

So life marches on. I've borrowed my parents truck as I'm working on moving out of our house. Got a load taken yesterday, and I loaded it up, but I figured instead of driving around with the load all day, I'd take.

And then today I can go get another load and take it out as well. It's. I've almost got all my stuff out.

That's one of the nice things with I don't like stuff, I don't want stuff, I don't want to own stuff. And so my whole goal is to let other people be the owners. Thank you, Larry Fink and Charles Schwab.

Schwab with the World Economic Forum for the idea. They said, you know, you'll own nothing and like it. My goal is to make them eat their words.

I'm going to literally own nothing. I'll own no credentials. I will own no assets.

I will only own my time. And then I'll wield that time like a sword, because I have nothing you can take except my time, which if the goal is to follow the rules, which is my goal, it will make me very hard to control. I like to look at it like it will make me impossible to control.

The only person in the world who has any semblance of control over me is Emily, my wife. And I don't even know what's happening in that relationship right now, which is hard. But besides that, I control me.

And I think that thought scares her. And I think that's why she's pushed me away. And I'm going through what I'm going through.

But whether that's the case or whether she's just fed up with me and the journey, I'll never know because I'm not her. But either way, life marches on, and there's really nothing to do except enjoy the ride. That's why I've realized faith in God is the only way forward.

I've given up trying to really direct my life. I just let life happen. I know where I believe God wants me to go.

I know I believe he wants me to be a lighthouse, to show people what it means to be a christian, not to tell people, not to shout at the rooftops, look at how good I am, but to actually be good. I love how Elon Musk puts it. I don't care about perception of goodness.

I don't what I care about is the reality of goodness. Are you a good human being? How do you show up as a human to make an impact in people's lives? And to me, I think it's incredibly important just to be a good human. And so that's my goal for the rest of my life, is to be a good human.

Every day, I consider the day a success if I feel like I have been a good human. I know that's not everybody's metrics, but they're mine, and it's my life to live. So I will take it.

I'll take it anyways. I will keep you updated on the journey, and we'll talk to you all soon. Good evening.

Good evening. Good evening. It is July 23, 2024.

It is a Tuesday evening. I sold the couches. They bought the ottoman.

They need to come back another day to get it. Sold furniture outside, sold the tv. It's a good day of selling, getting rid of stuff, and had a great conversation.

Took him through America's holding company and for the tv, I said, instead of paying me 140, why don't you sign up as a client? And then I get to give him ownership of my company as well as the tv. And he was like, okay, so I think I got a first client, one call. Close, which.

JJ, I love you for it. Thank you. So that is really neat.

It was a lot of fun. Helped them move everything and all that. And so now I am making my dinner.

Wanted to do my wrap up for the evening. I'm gonna process it, get that going, and head to bed. Anyways, I hope you all are doing great.

If I can ever serve you in any way, that is my mission. That is my goal. We are all in this together.

Together forever. So if you need me, I'm here for you. We'll talk to you soon.

Have a good night. Thank you for tuning in to life with Justin Stevens. If you would like to be a part of the change that I believe we need in society, I invite you to like and comment on this.

Share it with those that. That you think would benefit, and together, we can take care of each other in a new and better way.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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